Three Word Wednesday prompts writers with these three words: touching, visible, stage.
touching views
visible in a lightbox
Bard's virtual stage
Two years of blogging and roughly five hundred posts are behind me.
During this time, I've read of birth, death, pain, fear, love, inspiration, anger, humor, envy, challenge, opinion and words written from around the world. I've seen photos of places I didn't know existed, places I've actually visited and photos of babies, birds, flowers, oceans, pets and more.
Screen names by the score have morphed into writers and photographers I recognize, whose work I enjoy and whose comments on my blog are always valuable and entertaining. Thanks!

It is a fitting tribute, and I like your paragraph of reflection as well.
it is always such a pleasure to com here sue.. your words,, your art... i always feel at home and welcomed.. thank you for being here.....
You have a special way of seeing the world and a gift for showing it to us.
What a great way of looking at a poetry blog! Love it and your reflections underneath, too. I'm a newer blogger than you but am beginning to appreciate the wonders of it!
how very nice.
Happy 2nd BlogAversary! Love your haikus as always!
Thank you for the pleasure your work always brings.
Happy Blogaversary Sue! This was a wonderful tribute and here's to the next 200...cheers!
You even write about blogging and it is poetry! Happy 2nd anniversary...with many more poems and haikus to come!
Happy 2 year Sue! We needed you in this community! Love your Haiku!
( we started blogging days apart! Mine is on sunday.. come on over and enter my contest then)
Happy Blogiversary! :) It's amazing the interesting people we meeting blogging, isn't it?
great haiku which can describe blogging and bloggers as we all shown parts of ourselves on a virtual stage through beautifully designed blogs full of words and images
congrats on 2 years of blogging
Nicely done! Happy Blogday!
I've only been around here a short time, but if what I've read so far is indicative of it all, then it's been two years of more than worthwhile blogging.
I am glad I know you via the blog world.
green-eyed monster
As a relative newbie to this blogosphere world - thank you for completing such a run of valuable sharing and connecting with the us/me! Beautiful post. Its interesting to see every different place the world continues to take us.
Thank you, Sue. Your poems are always thought-provoking, and extend the English language into new territories. I know when I visit your site I'll find a good read, lovely art, and a pleasant experience.
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