‘Use it or lose it’ was a threat I remember from my teen years. Some time has passed. I may have lost it - I’m not sure, but I’m not using it - at least I don’t think I am.
Today a headline in the paper caught my attention. “Use it or Lose it” was printed in the darkest bold caps. I nearly ignored it. Surely it had nothing to do with me but not knowing what tomorrow might bring, I read the smaller print.
The article maintained that if you don’t use your BRAIN, you lose it. Studies show that stretching this organ increases its chances of healthy survival far into the golden years and maybe even beyond.
Over the past few years I’ve used my cells almost beyond recognition. I was a computer illiterate. Today, I can design a web page, paint a watercolor that sells and write poetry that is published in places you’d recognize. To me that feels like a stretch but I’ll have to admit there are times when I feel like I’ve lost it anyway.
After all this time, I wonder if I misunderstood that ultimatum given after a movie or a roller skating date. Were those fellas with cigarettes rolled up in their T-shirt sleeves and long hair slicked back into duck butts referring to using the brain?
Fractal created in Fractal Explorer.
Sunday Scribblings offers this for the weekly prompt: Gotten lost in the woods? Driving? Lost a child in a store? Lost something else of value -- found it again? Lost souls, lost innocence . . . write about the word "lost." Follow the link to see what others wrote and to play along!