
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Haiga for Haiku Bones

Haiku Bones  offers sleep as this week's prompt.

tiny bites
stealing time by night
restless sleep

Fractal created in Apophysis.
♥     ♥     ♥

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Silent Water for RWP #115

RWP #115  Prompt - Belief by the list.

Silent Water

near the limbo of belief
my clockwork brain
treads silent water

while trust ebbs and flows
pebbles line my pockets
like limpets in a shell

lies and truth crack down
upon the fractured rocks
turmoil smacks upon the reef

hangs me out to wither
along the ancient seams
of a beggar's quasi dream

my clockwork brain
treads silent water
in the limbo of belief

Fractal image created with Sterling2. 
♥   ♥   ♥

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

NaiSaiKu for 3WW

ThomG, moderator of 3WW, offers the following three as prompt words: generate, meager, tease

big board barkers tease
generating fever pitch
spinning meager nets
while futures swing on a string
spinning meager nets
generating fever pitch
big board barkers tease

NaiSaiKu information and meme can be found at this link!
Fractal image was created in Fractal Explorer.
♥    ♥    ♥

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

F for ABC Wednesday

ABC WEDNESDAY ROUND 6: F is for Facts!


Wikipedia has this to say:
A fractal is "a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole,"a property called self-similarity. Roots of mathematical interest in fractals can be traced back to the late 19th Century; however, the term "fractal" was coined by BenoƮt Mandelbrot in 1975 and was derived from the Latin fractus meaning "broken" or "fractured." A mathematical fractal is based on an equation that undergoes iteration, a form of feedback based on recursion.

This image is one of the first that I toyed with. It has a fractal background with a digital photo of a white daisy inserted and manipulated. I use free fractal design software to create the fractals posted on my blogs. Fascinating and easy to use, Apophysis and Fractal Explorer are my favorites. Since I've given up dusting and such, free time is far easier to find.

♥   ♥   ♥

Monday, February 22, 2010

Haiku for One Single Impression

One Single Impression: Prompt 104: Insomnia   Felicity of Confessions of a Philosophy Junkie brings us this week's prompt.

my muse sleeps
wide awake, I wait
all night long

The fractal image was created in Fractal Explorer.
♥     ♥     ♥

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Haiga for Haiku Bones

From Haiku Bones: Today's prompt is fraught. Thanks to Haiku Social.

broken boughs
fraught with falling snow
winter's gauge

♥   ♥   ♥

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Slush Pile for RWP #114

Read Write Poem challenge is to write a poem using those words: lubricious, fiction, frosted, eggshells,  frog,  patter, hacksaw, footlocker, red, mutter, panic, decay, nails, crown. I might have missed a couple or some. :-)

Slush Pile

a double take of green
comes hopping, hopping
down the blooming path

red one-gallon crowns
hacksawed from other frogs
clatter loosely at each leap

these praying princes patter
over freshly frosted eggshells
and in one footlocker croak

beg the queen's own agent
to nail down a healthy deal
and pub their lubricious fiction

she fakes a grin, rolls her eyes
and mutters via common natter
nobody'd buy your kissing tale

♥   ♥   ♥

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

NaiSaiKu for 3WW

ThomG, moderator of ThreeWordWednesday offers: occur, ragged, tidy as the prompt words today. And, I offer the following NaiSaiKu. Follow either or both links to play on these sites and to see how much fun others are having!

ragged devil pawns
far too worn to tidy up
occur at bashes
rowdy old rabble rousers
occur at bashes
far too worn to tidy up
ragged devil pawns

Fractal created in Fractal Explorer, resized in Irfanview.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Embroidery for ABC Wednesday

ABC WEDNESDAY ROUND 6: Exciting Stuff!

E is for Embroidery

I was seven and anxious to begin my first embroidery piece because falling rain dampened my enthusiasm for playing outdoors which was my first choice.

I shook my head when Mom suggested that I change out of my Sunday go-to-church dress and began the tedious work of creating a charming butterfly skimming the surface of brightly yarned flowers from a thin blue outline of those elegant images.

I stubbornly refused to heed Mom's suggestion to take a break and kept stitching, stitching, stitching. I wanted to finish this piece so I could start another.

Ah! At last it was complete! TA-DA! I stood up. The butterfly, flowers and the embroidery hoop remained in place. The entire project was now sewn to my dress.

Embroidery never again held the same thrill.  Surely I'm not the only one this has happened to?

♥   ♥   ♥

Monday, February 15, 2010

Haiku for One Single Impression

One Single Impression: Prompt 103: Gold
Thanks to Blue Mist of Ambrosian Ecstasy for this week's prompt.

golden burst of spring
gilded gift

Fractal created in Fractal Explorer, resized and buttoned in Irfanview.
♥   ♥   ♥

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Haiga for Haiku Bones

Haiku Bones prompt: Seductive

pre-spring sun
teases the green shoot

The fractal image was created in Apophysis, resized and text'd in Irfanview.

♥    ♥    ♥

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Poem for RWP #113

The RWP #113 challenge is to get out of your poem rut with a run through a spring spa - follow a series of steps and end up with a poem not like the one you usually write. Follow the link to see what others wrote.

One Spoon

raspberry jam tops an English muffin half
bleeds into the honeycombed face
a tasty mound of crimson, wrapping old seeds,
waters my mouth as if in practice for
a harvest garden while winter rides roughshod
removing all color from my world until
all I find is a single spot of scarlet as the outer white
grows taller, stronger and more frigid and
in that world where cold has died,
red still seeps into the sand one drop at a time

Fractal created  in Apophysis.
♥   ♥   ♥

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

NaiSaiKu for 3Word Wednesday

ThomG, moderator of 3 Word Wednesday, offers these words today: lucid, salvage, righteous

lucid wins - gesso
salvage of painting gone bad
a righteous effort
putty knife makes new texture
a righteous effort
a toss-out painting salvaged
lucid gesso wins

Fractal created in Apophysis, resized in Irfanview.
NaiSaiKu site and instructions
♥     ♥     ♥ 

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

D for ABC Wednesday

ABC WEDNESDAY ROUND 6: D is for....Design!

D is for Davis  http://fora.tv/2010/01/13/Wade_Davis_Why_Ancient_Wisdom_Matters_in_the_Modern_World
Edmund Wade Davis (born December 14, 1953) is a noted Canadian anthropologist, ethnobotanist, author and photographer whose work has focused on worldwide indigenous cultures...Davis has published popular articles in Outside, National Geographic, Fortune and Conde Nast Traveler

This ForaTV program title caught my attention on a busy day. It runs a little more than an hour, so I watched in dribbles, although it was difficult to tear myself away. Very soon, I'll go back and watch the video in one piece. Davis has captured the mystery, magic and cultural wonder which eludes those who are unable to witness this other than vicariously.

And, last week's news brought the obit of the last speaker of an ancient tribal language who died in the Andaman Islands thereby breaking a 65,000-year link to one of the world's oldest cultures.

If you watch the video, in whole or part, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

♥    ♥    ♥    ♥

Monday, February 08, 2010

Haiku for One Single Impression

One Single Impression: Prompt 102: Single

lonely thunderclap
a single flash of lightning
begets a wild storm

Fractal image created in Fractal Explorer, resized and buttoned in Irfanview.
♥    ♥    ♥

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Haiga for Haiku Bones

Haiku Bones offers this prompt:  Breath

breath of past
shifts the nub of night
stirs the chi

Fractal image created in Apophysis.

♥     ♥     ♥

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Galena Whispers for RWP 112

Get Your Poem on #112    

Dave Jarecki prompts: This week, I encourage you to find the “narrative wallpaper” that resides in your home, apartment, memory, etc.

Galena Whispers 

wallpaper was a stranger
calcimine took its stead
staged an army surplus bunkbed

where webs of wires
from a crystal radio
pulled shadows from a rock

nightly sibilance from earphones
scared us into giggles
forever destined to hide fear

for who could foresee that safety
was only a figment of the mind
needled from a chunk of galena

Fractal created in Apophysis.
♥  ♥  ♥

NaiSaiKu for 3WW

ThomG, moderator for 3WordWednesday, offers these words as prompt: odor, frantic, lurch.
For fun, this NaiSaiKu...

the first frantic lurch
from the cafeteria door
he breathed in deeply
the dreaded spinach odor
not so deep he breathed
from the cafeteria door
second frantic lurch

Fractal image was created in Apophysis, edited in Irfanview.

My Poem, Dark Clusters, is now published in Flutter at http://rarepetal.webs.com/volume5issue2.htm

♥     ♥     ♥

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

C for ABC Wednesday

ABC WEDNESDAY ROUND 6: C is for.........Comments

A long time ago, I purchased an inexpensive copy of a painting from a going-out-of-business shop.

When I began watercoloring, I watched Terry Madden on PBS when he conducted his weekly workshop with Floridian style images.

I'm not sure when it occurred to me (it was far too long) but I raced to the painting to read the signature. Yup. 'Twas Terry Madden.

Slow? I must be. A coinkidink? Surely.

My darling mother used this term a long time ago and it always made me giggle. I'd never heard it said by anyone outside our small family. Who knew it would find its way into the urban dictionary?

A coindink.     http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=coinkidink

My poem, Dark Clusters, is in the February 2010 Issue of Flutter.   

♥    ♥    ♥    ♥

Monday, February 01, 2010

Haiku for One Single Impression

One Single Impression: Prompt 101: Blowing the Curve

sketch of age old myth
shape shifting

I'm happy to report that Dark Clusters is now published in the February 2010 issue of Flutter Magazine.
Fractal created in Apophysis.
♥    ♥    ♥    ♥