
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Thursday, January 31, 2008

On the Way

twirling life like a rubik's cube
she searched and begged
directions to that special path
a signal to ordained fame

turning molehills into mountains
she upturned pebbles with her foot
sprinted with wild abandon until
her candle flickered in the hunt

shedding light on a faded trail
she broke off symbol watching
clung to the course she'd chosen
and, in time, that became enough

Totally Optional Prompt
Watercolor by Sue

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Haiku ~ 3WW

red light approach
bottle-smooth black ice
deferred stop


smooth as mango flesh
the sommelier approaches
...one costly bottle


blanket-smooth landscape
approach of a new blizzard
exit bottle necked


Prompt words by 3WordWednesday: bottle, smooth, approach
Digital Photo by Sue

Monday, January 28, 2008

Shoe Fetish

brief sport socks
Old Navy flip flops
and Costco flannels
a few tie-dyed T's
serve just fine
'til dreams nudge
that old-time life
where shiny red
spike heels and
flippy skirts dance
in the midnight dark.

Writers Island prompt: Desire

Dark Clusters

when loneliness
becomes a friend
and crazy lives next door

the rising past drops
circles into circles while
present rings the dark

black knots of crows
shadow slap the night
and glad leaves not a trace

Fractal creation ~ Sue

North of Summer, A Decade of Selected Poetry (print or download) and A Near Year of Tumblewords Blog (pdf download) are available from my store on Lulu Publishing

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday Scribblings

The Sunday Scribblings prompt: Miscellaneous. Here are four American Sentences that I wrote in the last few days, prompted by life and snow. Mini-scribblings plus a fractal.

American Sentences:

Wise turkey draped in peacock drag to escape the butcher's chopping block.

Snow falls all night, morning's pseudo drivers scatter cars from left to right.

The one thing that stands between me and death is a smattering of life.

The ocean reminds me that much is infinite and much more is not.

North of Summer is available at my storefront on Lulu Publishing

Idaho Snow and Haiku

non-stop snow
deeper and whiter
winter warp


snow rises higher
white limbs plunge


leaden sky unloads
white foot and another foot
remakes the landscape


One Deep Breath prompt: Winter Wonders
Digital Photo January 27, 2008 before noon and the snow still falls - tree limbs crack as they drop. More than four foot on the ground.

Friday, January 25, 2008

He Brings

the first spring gift,
freshly dying dandelions
cohere in his grimy palm

standing on one foot
then the other, he
immerses stems

in a tall tea glass
creates a quick apology ~
he left the worms outside

Poefusion Friday 5 prompt words: cohere, immerse, create, dandelions, glass

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sonnet Rocks

Midday sun pulls sweat from his aching back
He expells a hum, unfolds to the sky
Hat brim hides laugh lines that enclose his eyes
Left foot corrals the olive drab knapsack.

Two swallows of water, he shakes his hands
Three feet away from the edge of the knoll
Turns to hoist a slab of lavender stone
Winking at noon from a wide quartz band.

Boulder hustled into a perfect place
My brother resumes creating the square
A surround for rustic table and chair
Centered in that freshly green sodded space.

With a strum of strings and one whiskey neat
He'll sing to his world from a hard rock seat.

Prompt came from Totally Optional Prompts

Digital Photo by Sue


brushed gummy cobwebs
from her face with a shiver,

held her eyes tight squeezed
against the blinding black

hearing stairs she knew by heart
a creak, a groan and the silent one

nadir of a place called home
at last pulled the light string

squinting, picked up the shuttle
and filled her bucket with coal

And that's one for Last Piaster #2 Challenge.


tomorrow's remains
scattered among the ashes
by a liar's breath


tomorrow's breath
enters the mid-dark night
on scattered dreams


3WordWednesday Prompt: tomorrow, scattered, breath

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Once Across the Styx

Charon tapped out the coin
capping my closed left eye
carried me on a night-dark tour
into a silent octave of days,
come the ninth
he ferried me home
refunded the golden fare.

I don’t rock the boat.
pebbles in my pockets
and payment in my palm.

Writers Island Prompt: Fork in the Road

Monday, January 21, 2008

Haiku - One Deep Breath

flecks of gold
pan sparkles promise
fool's dream


dreams of peace
and random kindness
beg for deeds

Vision. Prompt from One Deep Breath

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Haiku and Snow

Today, the temperature hovers well below freezing and weak sunlight glitters on icy limbs. Swift punches of wind create a temporary veil. I believe the forecasters who call for a week of extreme cold and ice. This short video clip shows a few snow scenes with haiku that strive to find a beauty I can't see. :) Remember me? I'm the summer only, please, person.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Fellow Travelers

Thus far my journey has been fast and frequently furious - a series of too-soon starts with sudden stops which can be likened to first attempts at driving a stick shift.

On this path, I encountered an extraordinary assortment of souls ~ seers, seekers, sheiks, shakers and movers, politicians, pilots, dancers, singers, healers, meditators, mediators, consummate travelers, artists, writers, thinkers, teachers, producers, idealists and cynics as well as plotters of good and evil.

My current fellow travelers are world citizens with virtual voices who share their life-trips by retrospection. A varied group of travelers who poem, photograph, fiction, rant and art the past and present while challenging the future.

These are interesting times with interesting fellows!

before the after

the bite of an auger
punched black holes
in the blinding gloom

mango blush flooded
the argent sky
blamed the yellowed map

mabe blue Morse code
kissing the catbrier
loosed the prick of reality

the final chart shines
under stella de ora and
bliss leaves no sign

Sunday Scribblings Prompt

Imagery Challenge

brings on wild repercussions
then recedes
energy diluted in
one moment
hides under ruffled surface
unnerves fish

To see the image prompt, go to The Last Piaster.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Downward Dog

in that interlude
between the start and finish
grotesque shades of change
become quite evident
in this chemistry called life

~when I bend, downward dog,
to tie a shoelace fallen
into a state of wild neglect
my eyes now choose to
close from the bottom up

Poefusion Friday 5 Prompt: grotesque, chemistry, shoelace, neglect and interlude

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Down by the River

black knots of ravens
swarm the flimsy darkness
where mystery reigns

smoke and sorcery
cross the threshold of limbo
turn the truth away

friars' lanterns glow
illusion crowns the seekers,
Charon carries coins

Totally Optional Prompt: The Magician
Abstract Watercolor by Sue

Clan of Dust Bunnies

one clan of dust bunnies
a small scatter of froth
drifts across a cobalt sky
passes by a crescent moon

like motes in sunlight
these tiny clots wile away
the first lazy day of midwinter
~ horizon calm with promise

North of Summer, a Decade of Poetry is available at Lulu Publishing

Reluctant Cook

carried on a cloud of smoke
the odor of burning biscuits
curled out her kitchen window

obsessive new neighbors
gunned an awkward hose
replaced smoke with water

3WordWednesday prompt: kitchen, obsessive, awkward

Monday, January 14, 2008

Phantom Treasure

phantom treasure, impending wealth
hoarded by limbo in that early pause

trapped in the space of unsteady gray
between dawn and the first ray of light

not be exhumed, not to be refound
phantom treasures that leave no mark

Writers Island Prompt: Treasure

North of Summer, A Decade of Poetry available at my store on Lulu Publishing

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ninth Street Gravel Pit

from the gravel pit
one flying saucer shot forth
hurtled to the south

coded flashing lights
flung into the summer dusk
beckoned for pursuit

we called for our dog
to save us from the unknown
raced through scratchy fields

breathless near the trench
pockets of eight-year-olds stood
wild eyed with wonder

didn't find a trace
grownups' laugh could not dissuade
...we know what we saw

Fractal by Sue
One Deep Breath prompt: Haibun from Childhood Experience
North of Summer, A Decade of Poetry is available at Lulu Publishing

Friday, January 11, 2008


mystic and masked
seraphs trace the tips of
voodoo needles
tease the smoke of soul

scatters of crystal beads
reward the jaded
who flee distant realms
for a taste of je ne sais quoi

Fat Tuesday
jives along the Quarter
sings out to drying bones
graved in roadside attics

Sunday Scribblings prompted 'A Date'

Poefusion Friday 5

prayers crossed
in the hovels of the weary
as black of night dropped down

rounds of intense gunfire
marked the surprise collapse
of a two-day cease fire

soft floss of local news
scanned the bleeding prey
as tiny swallows took flight

Poefusion 5 prompted: intense, cease, floss, prey, swallows

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Literal Ear

This is a literal response - my shovel and I are spending far too much time together. I swear I hear the snow fall. The silence gets louder and louder. Now I'm off to bed for a little rest before the next inches require relocation.

computer fan hums
creates background
for my breath on hold

while I search for
the word that resonates
to a reader's ear

silent and sneaky
night snows fat flakes
...morning's first sound

my voice calls out to me,
gotta go shovel again!'

Totally Optional Prompts asks for What do you Hear?

Three for 3WW

naive pundits
demean their station
...inane gossip


cheers naive
chips fact from gossip
cheeky rancor trashed the station


One analyst on every news program keeps truthiness at bay.


3Word Wednesday Prompt

Monday, January 07, 2008

Over the Horizon

Somewhere over the horizon. At least we know what's at the foot of a rainbow, even though that has never been proven to my satisfaction.

Every first month of a new year, I read prognosticators' reports for world events, local and weather events as well as predictions for each and every zodiac sign.

When that new year grows old and another takes up the mantle, I'm stunned by the things that actually happened. I've forgotten what the reports offered. I've forgotten what I once resolved to make of the now finished year.

Maybe that's how somebody left that crock at the foot of the rainbow...she/he forgot to retrieve it.

I'll know more about the horizon by seeing it afterward. I understand that even if I could see what was there, I wouldn't believe it.

There's no doubt, though, that I'm in favor of a horizon that holds peace, prosperity and compassion for this big ball of wonder.

Writers Island Prompt: Over the Horizon

Moon Haiku

winter dark
clouds hide the Wolf moon
fling white flakes


rising moon
shines in jigsaw shapes
...winter limbs

Cropped watercolor
One Deep Breath

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Wabi Sabi and Mythsteries

Every now and again, I'm hit by absurd flu and revisit my 2000 Mythsteries and Other Pithy Shorts site. It's the only place I've learned to rant while laughing myself into a near coma. These posts have always been great fun for me and knowing that I may be the only one who enjoys them fails to lessen my laughter. So, take a look if you like. If not...

Yesterday I completed reading Wabi Sabi for Writers by Richard Powell even as my head filled with personal haiku thoughts. The book is a fine read with great insight into Basho, and others of his ilk, as well as breakable rules for haiku and related forms.

I love to write from a list of phrases/words pulled out of my stash and Windows Media Player, with visualizations, running on top of my pages. Right now I'm listening to Fragile Beauty. Words, color and music are my favorite prompts.

What is your method of stirring a reluctant muse?

Friday, January 04, 2008

Winter Fib and A Music Tip

down collars
defeats chilled walkers
defines the downside of winter

Snow was assaulted today by warmer air and falling rain. As the snow disappears, any light reflection it might have produced turns to dark and gray.

As luck would have it on this gloomy day, my mailbox yielded the ordered CD, Quiet Paths, from fellow blogger Christine. I cannot describe her soothing and uplifting music but there are samples on her web site.

Inserted into the slot and scheduled for looping, it rang true and clear. Soon I was smiling broadly as if on a sunny vacation.

I highly recommend checking out her Earthpassage web site to purchase a CD if you're so inclined. Service is wonderfully friendly and prompt.


smudges of
like taillights
into mist

refuses welcome
rebels against
signs that
exhaust the
road weary

in this stop-and-go
resolutions mutter
recall endless
dead ends

hug carbon
neutral lines
forestalls collision
slinks into the fog

Digital Photo by Sue
Sunday Scribblings

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Twice Upon a Lie

transparent as vellum
they reminisce
from memory disjointed

moss-clad cells conceal
fragile connections to truth
history varies day by day

distorted as bad fiction
reality takes hindquarter
in words pocked by rubble

Inside Out digital photo by Sue
Prompt by Poefusion

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Dear Editor

the news is quite distasteful
a slap in the face to my psyche

creative writing covers the candor
swaps reality for the twist of twits

crafts burglars into car prowlers,
family terror into home invasion

headlines rail cutesy and trite
…just print the news as it is

I’ll lead my own commentariat
and choose how to perceive it

Fractal created by Sue
This prompt came from Totally Optional Prompt

Button of Luck

I'm still fooling around with American Sentences! Comments welcome...
Prompt words: button, luck, pretend from 3WW

Button up, turn back and pretend you didn't draw luck from that black cat.

Pretend one button of luck merits more than a decade of tough work.

Fractal created in Fractal Explorer