ashes of the mystic
solid as the dark
gritty in its ending
totems and taboos
wrap the fiction
of belief
no amount of voodoo
can halt the nightmare
of these days
Watercolor by Sue Turner
Three of us from the Post Falls Writers Group are writing a murder mystery. We began this project with no firm plot and little time to work together. One writer is not computer literate, one is semi-literate and I'm either good or bad depending on the project. The decision to write random, but pertinent, scenes when we weren't together, followed by brainstorming when we found ourselves within speaking distance was the route we followed. With forty-thousand words written we now face the daunting task of compiling them for a first edit.
Lessons learned during the Nanowrimo challenge last November are helpful but I didn't learn enough to make this an easy labor! A new software program has been difficult to learn but may prove helpful in the organization of these scattered words.
More on this project as it occurs.
In the meantime, I'm still creating fractals, brushing watercolors and writing random pieces as well as ramping up the digital photography productions.
Color is key to life. It hardly matters to me what shape it takes as long it's there.
Fractals are amazingly brilliant in their best form but can be faded to insignificance for those who lean toward less eye-pop.
This particular design was created in Fractal Explorer and the daisy photo was inserted. The distortion brush in Microsoft Digital Imaging was used to draw out the petals and change the shape into something readily accepted by the fractal motion.