
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Friday, October 31, 2008

Goodtime Girl

a goodtime girl
aglow with smiles
outside a gossip's heart

her afterwords
marked by meddle
sometimes did ripen

form damaging debris
unchecked by sudsy rinse
or 'not-I' chuckle

Michelle at Poefusion Friday 5 offers the following words for prompt:


Follow the link to play along!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Not Able

alone near the burning bush
contemplating nano-fame
from the flirt of a trophy veep

a wishful commander-in-chief
survives for combat ~
battles confound his dreams

dollars are made by wars
that's the economy he knows
and now he's out of bud lite

thanks to his trophy wife

Fractal created in Fractal Explorer.

Totally Optional Prompt: Election
This is a good time to reflect on elections in general and this election in particular.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Morning View

vampires drove a knife
clean through her heart

then oozed into the dark
like old Cheshire cats might

the damage was done
no evidence to the contrary

the corpse was not smiling
in line with its regular style

the first November sun
sulked in the gray morning sky

The image is one of the first created in Bamboo Fun. I have much to learn...

ThomG, current moderator of Three Word Wednesday, offers these words for prompt:
damage, knife, corpse

Feel free to follow the links to read other's writings and to join in this fun-loving Wednesday meme!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Gift Haiku

set free by the night
present on the wings of dawn

aroma escapes
curls into early morning
first cup of java

weekend prize
a giggle, a laugh

One Single Impression
posts: Thanks to Janice of My Bellavia for this week's prompt of gift.

Watercolor sketch by Sue...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

C-Span Scene

empty suits and bold ties
disguise the gloves of greed
white washed smiles
hide customary sneers

epistles prove the fraud
tied to a house of cards
where the crooked wallow
in that dark sludge of glut


Totally Optional Prompt posts: Write about an act of justice or an act of injustice. It could be something you imagined, something you saw, something you read or heard about.

Word cloud courtesy of Wordle.net

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Math of Chaos

cold fractals the night
frosts the northfaced slopes
Benoit claims
tomorrow aches with difference

downplays that poor and old
will suffer overmuch
when hope swings off the grid
aboard the wings of chaos


Another computer watercolor created with Bamboo Fun and Adobe Photoshop Elements.

Three Word Wednesday posts these words as today's prompt: aches, difference, suffer. Feel free to check out this vibrant meme and play along!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008



squares of sky
split for pawns and kings
checkmate wires


Skittles at Heads or Tails prompts: Heads. Wires.

Fractal created in Fractal Explorer.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Space Haiku

One Single Impression posts: Gautami Tripathy of Firmly Rooted offers this week's prompt, never ending.


fabric of time
drapes radiant new stars
sky borne glitter


distant matter
spirals, circles and reshapes


Fractal created in Fractal Explorer.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tale of the Rat

the rodent didn't read
epitasis was beyond his ken

he approached the slightly open
door of a chicken wire box

where the aroma of peanut butter
was more than he could bear

blue-green light bathed the snare
in water tones, posterized the bait

he pushed into the trap, unaware
his conclusion had been written

Thanks to Michelle at Poefusion Friday 5 for her prompt words of epitasis, blue green, snare, slightly open, conclusion

Thursday, October 16, 2008


pears drop from the tree
turn tooth ache cold
cricket songs freeze in hips
fall brings a distinct chill

fluffy birds glean berries
fermented during night
become frantic as they team
energies for the next migration

the sun holds back warmth
forces the static of heaters
surging to override the cold
...she wrenches sweaters

from closets, lays them
at the ready, surveys pantry items
posits the distasteful truth
survival is an impossible goal

Totally Optional prompt: let's try to use internal rhymes. Try rhyming a word in the middle of a line with the word at the end of the line. Or try rhyming the word at the end of a line with a word in the middle of the next line.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Fall of Dark


first curl of night
in delicate strands

bundles the light
with jaded indolence

a makeshift present
for a daytime lover


Three Word Wednesday prompt words: Delicate, Jaded, Night. Follow the link to see what others have written and to play along with this energetic meme!

Post processed digital photo by Sue

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October Haiku

Skittles at Heads or Tails prompts: HEADS - Anything that starts with the letter G -


Halloweenish Haiku

ghostly gargoyles
gather in dark nooks
ghastly nightmares


Monday, October 13, 2008

Haiku Gold

One Single Impression posts: Thanks to Gemma Wiseman of "Gemma's 'Greyscale Territory' - Poetic Songlines" for this week's prompt of gold


air filters warmth
from autumn's southbound sun
fool's gold


baby's first smile
sparkles in father's mind
pure gold


bedrock cache
hematite and nuggets
snuggle in the dark


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday Scribblings

Sunday Scribblings prompt: #132 -- If I had to live at a different time in history - the exercise this week is to decide what era in history you would choose to live in if you couldn't live now. Not just when, but why? While you're at it, how about where? What do you imagine life would be like?


A combination of some decades and desires create the time in which I'd like to live:

when I was confident of being loved by the gods and no harm could befall me regardless of the risks I took

when music was physical and created a yearn to stop the car on the side of the road in order to dance

when people were more friendly than not and there was space to get away but with enough elasticity to draw me back easily

when there was an ability to keep the black parts hidden and unused instead of hanging them on the clothesline

when discussions about important worldly topics could be held without guns or curses

when safety meant more than government intervention and luck rode bareback

when the Internet provided a library in a box as well as effortless communication with friends and family far and near

Ah, those were the times...

Digital Photo by Sue...

Thursday, October 09, 2008

TOP Thursday

Totally Optional Prompts: Discoveries, new and old.


judgment of right
claimed by the wrong

summations of black
stained with off-white

not enough to turn gray
and too little for light

man writes with ink but
schemes crash in a blink

on a street corner
in the darkest of days

Original digital watercolor painting: Created on BambooFun

Follow the Totally Optional Prompt link to read what others have written and to play along!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Trojan Horse Tale

Her words sound as effortless as if spun from a child's flash card series. Kisses skip from fingertips while winks with grins serve to thrash the truth. An in-depth search reveals she is a token mouthpiece of the vindictive and hired to stir the cauldron of war.

Trojan Horse
This description has become a metaphor for any person or thing that appears innocent or benign, but actually presents danger or harmful intent.

Three Word Wednesday - a delightfully fast moving meme with some mighty fine writers... Check it out, play along!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Black Haiku

Skittles at Heads or Tails offers: This week's theme/prompt is: HEADS *OR* TAILS - Black *OR* White

Black Haiku

wild black sounds
howl through the night air
owl shivers


Monday, October 06, 2008

Serendipity Haiku

One Single Impression posts: Thanks to Barb of Barb's Haiku for serendipity, this week's prompt.

treasured sea shells
displayed in a container
...echo the surf

nadir of a hole
for weeping willow roots
...a gold nugget

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Forbidden Cinquain

Sunday Scribblings posts: Hi all! This is going up a day early this week since I'm going out of town. In honor of BANNED BOOKS WEEK, the prompt is: Forbidden. You can talk about book-banning if you wish, or anything else that has to do with things "forbidden." This could go in a lot of directions, so have some fun!

Feel free to follow the link to see what others wrote! You are welcome to play along!

My response:


she pays
a hefty price ~
voodoo gurus concoct
curses to render his lovers


Fractal created in Fractal Explorer.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Suss and Tell

Michelle at Poefusion Friday 5 offers these five words to use in a writing exercise.

suss, condign, cicisbeo, monadnock, exoskeleton

In the hoodoo shade
of a red rock monadnock

like a misplaced crab
sans exoskeleton

a weary cicisbeo leans
into his ache to suss and tell

that the punishment she doled
was truly not condigned

Watercolor sketch by Sue

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Hiccup in Time

Totally Optional Prompt:
For this week's prompt, revisit a place, person, or idea that was once familiar and that you haven't seen in a long time. Has it changed, or have you?

Dad drove our old Chevy
across the Kansas plain

From knees of baby fat,
I stretched to see out.

Between two farmed hills
a familiar house sat,

my pleas to visit
met Dad's sorry, babe

those folks are strangers,
we’ve never passed this way.

Part of me went up those steps
to that leaded glass door

and into the home I knew,
one I’d loved before.

Post-processed digital photo by Sue

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

3WW Haiku

Three Word Wednesday offers these three words for prompt:


This meme draws a vibrant crowd with some fine writing - be sure to check it out and play along!

My haiku for this day:


intervene, she pleads
nourish now and save your face
they deliberate
