Totally Optional Prompt:
For this week's prompt, revisit a place, person, or idea that was once familiar and that you haven't seen in a long time. Has it changed, or have you?
Dad drove our old Chevy
across the Kansas plain
From knees of baby fat,
I stretched to see out.
Between two farmed hills
a familiar house sat,
my pleas to visit
met Dad's sorry, babe
those folks are strangers,
we’ve never passed this way.
Part of me went up those steps
to that leaded glass door
and into the home I knew,
one I’d loved before.
Post-processed digital photo by Sue poetry and photos
You can feel the nostalgia in this. Excellent.
knew in previuos birth?
knew in previuos birth?
Phew! I got a little shiver there, de ja vue?
You always leave me imagining.
This is wonderful, I can imagine your whole scene going back in time. Very nice.
A kind of confusing sadness to this; I'm sure you must know for sure by now??
Enchanting and magical.
Grand and beautiful. Your picture and poem. I liked the story about revisiting an old landmark. At least in your poetry there was something still there.
I think you were already to mine
beautiful poem with a happy ending :)
sorry i missed your hots! been a bit snowed under! im catching up today!!
hope yoour having a great weekend
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