empty suits and bold ties
disguise the gloves of greed
white washed smiles
hide customary sneers
epistles prove the fraud
tied to a house of cards
where the crooked wallow
in that dark sludge of glut
Totally Optional Prompt posts: Write about an act of justice or an act of injustice. It could be something you imagined, something you saw, something you read or heard about.
Word cloud courtesy of Wordle.netpoems and digital photos
Injustice aptly described - and the facade that hides it.
Somtimes I think that the whole judicial process is like a house of cards!
Faceless, anonymous and cyninical, but a force that can not be questioned.
and yet people continue to take part in it all,, as if there is no huge underlying weeping infection,,, instead of saying ,, no hu uh,, fix it or i abstain...... why is that??
Love that visual....
You've said volumes here Sue, well done!
super compression of imagery!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello! Dark sludge of guilt is a wonderful line, as is disguise the gloves of greed. Shudder.
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