Skittles Heads or Tails, hosted this week by Tidbits of Tippets, offers the prompt...March 18 - HEADS - Any part of (or place in) a house
The kitchen is my favorite part of the house. Sound strange for a non-cook?
My computer, printer, scanner, phone and all things digital use all but a slender slice of table. The two comfortable old barstools are made from vinyl coated clothesline fashioned around a slender metal frame. I use one and the other supports a batch of books and binders.
From my seat, I see through the living room window and through the dining room slider to the patio beyond.
I see the neighbor's garage wall, up close, out the kitchen window. Not so neat. I've thought about painting a flower field on it, but so far it's only a thought.
Cupboards that normal people would use for pots and pans hold watercolor supplies, computer CD's, camera paraphernalia, device chargers...and a traveling coffee mug which rarely leaves home.
That's part of my house. I won't tell you about the guest bathtub where plants 'winter' over.
Thanks for visiting!
Original bookmark using pen and ink with watercolor by Turner.