Totally Optional Prompts: Discoveries, new and old.
judgment of right
claimed by the wrong
summations of black
stained with off-white
not enough to turn gray
and too little for light
man writes with ink but
schemes crash in a blink
on a street corner
in the darkest of days
Original digital watercolor painting: Created on BambooFun
Follow the Totally Optional Prompt link to read what others have written and to play along!poetry watercolor
I can see a town cryer, barking this out in a cold but busy street, right wrong, black, white, gray, light, ink, blink..
To me, this is a statement that there is nothing definite in this world, which is so very true. And done in excellent fashion.
that grey area that separates one opinion from another.
The ending wasn't what I expected, but I like that.
The digital watercolour is really intriguing. I would like more of that.
how appropriate this poem is for the financial times we're in!
so unbelievably sadly true
oh the street life. nicely summarized in a precise poem
i am doing so much reading about the atrocities people suffer at the hands of our judicial system,, i cannot help but read that right into your words here......
It's really impressive how this piece says so many different things to your reader.
Excellent. I really liked that one!
I connected to this poem in a very undefinable sort of way.
that is a great painting. i like the usualness of it
thanks for your comment at my place:)
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