Sunday Scribblings prompt: #132 -- If I had to live at a different time in history - the exercise this week is to decide what era in history you would choose to live in if you couldn't live now. Not just when, but why? While you're at it, how about where? What do you imagine life would be like?
A combination of some decades and desires create the time in which I'd like to live:
when I was confident of being loved by the gods and no harm could befall me regardless of the risks I took
when music was physical and created a yearn to stop the car on the side of the road in order to dance
when people were more friendly than not and there was space to get away but with enough elasticity to draw me back easily
when there was an ability to keep the black parts hidden and unused instead of hanging them on the clothesline
when discussions about important worldly topics could be held without guns or curses
when safety meant more than government intervention and luck rode bareback
when the Internet provided a library in a box as well as effortless communication with friends and family far and near
Ah, those were the times...
Digital Photo by Sue...poems and digital photos
Dear Goddess Tumblewords,
Sigh!!! I think I lived in these times with you.
And our holding the sacred space and vision in our hearts will bring these times back for our future generations.
Thank you for reMINDing me of your interpretation of those wonderful times.
Wishing you,
Peace & Love, Just Because,
Goddess Diana
How clever this was! "Luck rode bareback" was a wonderful expression.
I love your idea of mixing and matching the best of everything.
Those DO sound like lovely times. I don't think I ever lived then. :)
Love the deep yearning conveyed here. The clothesline line is memorable. Enjoyed this.
Seven well described images of blissful completeness. I like them all, the first one in particular :-)
Nice idea...
I want to live then! One day I will.
Eutopia? Who would have thought then was better when we are always striving for better, but seem to be taking 2 steps back as a society?
utopic, but that was a time. So sad it's gone.
ps. Have you ever finished the 50K with NaNoWriMo??? Got any tips for a newbie??? :-)
Thanks so much for getting back to me! Congrats on the finishes and self publication! That's awesome. I wish you luck this November!!!
All these things together at the same time - I'm packing my bags and going there.
I love the way your response to Sunday Scribblings looks forward and back, creating its own inviting time. The flower image too adds beauty through that balance between order and nature.
lovely , I wonder if that time would ever come !
It sounds like utter bliss. Oh to be able to live in that world, if only for a little while.
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