
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bye-Bye 2008

Shake it up

wish for passion
glimmers in the embers
flame rises for the hottest year

♥ ♥

ThomG at Three Word Wednesday offers these words as prompt: passion, glimmer, wish.

The poem is probably a cinquain.

Fractal by Sue and Fractal Explorer

Hoping 2009 brings fuel for your fire!!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Watch! It's Coming 'Round Again!

Skittles at Heads or Tails prompts with 'Watch'.

Resolution Re-run

New years by the score
have left me in doubt
as what more to leave out.
I gave up hard spirits,
tobacco and speeding,
soaped out my mouth
and even stopped fibbing.
I once gave up slouching
and dating bad men,
ran from intolerance
to pose on the fence.
I’m not pure lily white
but surely modest and mild.
I’ve come full circle
which is rather odd
so this year I resolve
to resume smokes and gin,
to step up my pace,
and regain ten pounds
while practicing road rage
and lewd finger waves.


A Pleasurable, Prosperous and Peaceful 2009 to You!

♥ ♥

Monday, December 29, 2008

Stardust Haiku

Pleiades needle
in and out among hoodoos
stitching sky lines


fence free
garden of cosmos
star spangled sky


One Single Impression offers this: Lirone of Words that Sing offers this week's prompt, stardust. Thank you, Lirone!

Feel free to follow the links and play along with this delightful Monday meme...


Sunday, December 28, 2008

I believe

...that we might be on the right track although there will undoubtedly be several derailments before the next destination comes into view.

Thankful that this current train wreck can be fixed, if by no other means than belief, works for me. Negativity surely won't pull this train out of the station and I believe, kind of, that media, pundits and beasties will grow up and offload a bit of the nastiness so prevalent in this past decade.

I believe that stirring minds and mapping new ideas will foster belief and create a new track which will straighten as we go and will remain in place without a need to reshuffle the ties.

I believe that positive outlooks can last throughout the year.


I want to believe, you know.

♥ ♥ ♥

Happy and Prosperous 2009 to each of you!

I believe... is the prompt issued by Sunday Scribblings. A great meme with a weekly prompt - be sure to visit and play along!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This Time of Year

Heads or Tails prompts with 'This Time Of Year'. Make a post telling what you do or don't like about this time of year.

I spun a few American Sentences (follow the link to read about this form) and here is a source to help count syllables (or words).

Winter is beautiful but it comes in bites too large to chew.

Today winter is four white feet high and it's continuing to fall down.

I love long summers but winter captures my heart for twenty minutes.

Mail, guests, planes and cities full of snow plows are held captive by downfall.

Snow is building up to a perma-winter, shoulder high and counting.

Cabin fever comes ahead of the Solstice ~ lingers til Equinox

Happy Holidays

♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Haiku

White fluff
covers the wrinkles
night falls early

flash of sun
bounces off the snow
highlights crow

tree limbs
shake dry snow in white outs
gather more

One Single Impression prompts with 'A Winter's Day'
by Geraldine of My Poetic Path

The photo is from early last winter - can't see anything out there now - over four feet of snow and still falling.

Merry Christmas!

♥ ♥

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Late. Not so Much.

winter, off kilter,
from the grateful day
of autumn, dropped
swirlwinds of flakes
a yardstick in depth

solstice, so timely,
on a flash of Sun
wings of New Moon
linked to Pluto and Mars
frosted flakes in layers of ice

R.S.V.P.'s intact
they partied as one
flung knapsacks of snow
into the eerie silence
and settled under cover
for a long-season slumber


Thanks to Sunday Scribblings for the 'late' prompt! Stop on over there to see what others wrote. And to play along...

Happy Holidays to all!

Friday, December 19, 2008


from the winter dark
embarked with a giggle
on a drifting quest

adeptly hugged
the southbound sun
crossed the basin
of the great Mojave

hung on with a grin
hooky bobbed
across the sandman line,
returned with yesterday

Michelle at Poefusion Friday 5 offered these words in prompt: adept, basin, uncouple, giggle and dusk.
My response takes a short flight into the not-so-real...


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dear Isadora

Dear Isadora

pursuit of the exotic
pointing toward the dark

your barefoot wildness
swirling under scarves

while madcap friends
sing havoc for your dance


on that decisive ride
you fell across the void

like a mindless curl of wind
merging with the nub of night

we wait with bated breath
for your encore curtain call

Dear Isadora.


Totally Optional Prompt this week: write a poem about a first in your life.

I must have had seconds rather than firsts so I'm taking the optional route...although this poem reflects a first for Ms. Duncan.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In a Nutshell

He rarely hesitates when one dash of neglect will make her jealous.

The 17-syllable sentence above is an American Sentence. An interesting exercise.

The image was created in Adobe Photoshop with Bamboo Fun.

Thanks to ThomG at 3 Word Wednesday for the prompt words of hesitate, neglect and jealous...


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Round of Moon

they say
she glows full

dark, deep clouds
hide her light

who would ask
who would tell

if the moon
spun away
left us far behind

Today's prompt from Heads or Tails: Anything Round. Thanks, Skittles.
HEADS - Anything round

Watercolor sketch by Sue...


Monday, December 15, 2008

Distractions by Haiku


massive shell game
distractions widespread
piecemeal pictures


snowflakes piling
profound cold and ice
global warming


wings a-flutter
mallard squawking
quick freeze


One Single Impression offers Distractions as today's prompt!

Some distractions are far more fun than others! Happy Holidays!


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Change for Madoff

I knew instantly...

that this plan could work. The few regulations rarely caused the overseers to look askance. I knew if I could get away with it for eight months, it would build on its own accord and take flight into numbers only dreamed about. It did.

Jail didn't scare me ~ I knew the big house man was good for a pardon. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain. TARP covered us all very smartly. We were too big to fail and people would forget about us as soon as American Idol came on.

It was well worth fifty billion for me...

A fictitious 'think' for Bernie ~ the truth lies with Madoff.

Prompt from Sunday Scribblings


Friday, December 12, 2008

Joker's Wild

in the space of dark
where the faults
live unfettered

a flinch was dotted
by shrug and pout
one denial frittered

dawn pressed eject
exposed the blemish
as guilt grew a pardon

Michelle at Poefusion Friday 5 offers the following words for today's prompt: blemish, eject, flinch, pout, dot
She never fails to select words that jostle the imagination.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Errant Seed

I didn't want to be here
where the shade is deep
and the sun is rare

an unplanned spree
brought me to this site
where I didn't want to be

breezes fail in freshness
nights fill with metal noise
silence is my dream of bliss

nearby hills hold my kin
cedars, pine and royal firs
but here I am in town

where her backyard
dwindles down and
where my taproot sank

Totally Optional Prompt: So, that's your prompt this week: be someone or something else. Write a poem in the voice of whomever or whatever you'd like. Here's your chance to shed your own skin and be someone or something else.

Image created on Bamboo Fun with Adobe Photoshop Elements.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Nightmare 101

ancient enemy
a vague discomfort buried
bursts like shattered glass

3 Word Wednesday posts these three words today: vague, enemy, shatter. Thanks to ThomG at Surface Tensions. Come play along with us!


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Shorter than a Drabble

Before I had my fill of Phil, he hit the road with her and left his dirty clothes with me.

(A short story in one American Sentence) The image was created on Bamboo Fun.

Skittles at Heads or Tails offers the following prompt for today ~ HEADS - Fill *OR* TAILS - Phil. Please feel free to join in the fun at this meme.


Sunday, December 07, 2008

Doodles and Haiku

...ink blots

mind circles
whispers in color
fills a page

One Single Impression posts: Thanks to Teri of Teri's Mandalas for this week's prompt, doodles.

Doodles were created in Bamboo Fun with Adobe Elements 5.


Friday, December 05, 2008

December Noon

winter sky turns vitreous
stumbles starkly near

losing its limpid look
it gears up once more

inundates the north
with a foot of white debris

Poefusion Friday 5 prompts with these words (I added definitions for some)!

vitreous ~ of, relating to, derived from, or consisting of glass
limpid ~ absolutely serene and untroubled -clear


Thursday, December 04, 2008

Land of Heat and Money

red rock monoliths block
the horizon line,
their shadows blacken
the dust grown ankle deep

sun glances off the land
raptors hover on heat waves
without tears, a tiny girl
cradles in crackling grass

under a bronze-like shine
her tummy stretches
fine as skin upon a drum
tomorrow, her mother

cursing and screaming grief
will bury this fifth child, her
only daughter, lost to famine
and a faulty trickle down theory


Totally Optional Prompt says: your prompt this week is to take an unsavory topic and find a way to make it glow. Polish it. Turn it into something beautiful. (I say, now you can try it - it's not as easy as it appears. Unsavory, indeed.)


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Up and Down a Midnight Wander

white shafts freeze to the air
like a tongue on heavy metal

balance escapes to the south
dictates gray for the shortest light

yesterdays gyrate underfoot and
tattered regrets thread the night

days emerge as age-old rags
when sleep is on vacation

Watercolor by Sue.

Prompt words: balance, dictate, wander on Three Word Wednesday by ThomG at Surface Tension

Please come play along with us!


Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Doppler watchers
say the sun
will shine today
but sensors keep
outdoor lights
brightly lit
on this double gray
December day.
It's sure to be late
before the sun
can find its way
through pressing clouds.
Standing by
the window,
I watch and wait.

Fractal created in Apophysis.

Prompt by Skittles at Heads or Tails

Monday, December 01, 2008



gray sky low
snow falls ankle deep
flash of sun


corn chowder
tang of poblano
soup welcomes


scent of baking bread
laughter, chatter, hugs around
welcomes family

return trip
smooth flowing traffic
dry highway


Several senryu prompted by the post on One Single Impression courtesy of Nancy Bea Miller of Genre Cookshop.

Follow the links to read what others wrote and to play along with this Monday Meme.

Watercolor by Sue.