white shafts freeze to the air
like a tongue on heavy metal
balance escapes to the south
dictates gray for the shortest light
yesterdays gyrate underfoot and
tattered regrets thread the night
days emerge as age-old rags
when sleep is on vacation
Watercolor by Sue.
Prompt words: balance, dictate, wander on Three Word Wednesday by ThomG at Surface Tension
Please come play along with us!
Lovely descriptions here. Thanks for sharing. I'm feeling winter when I read this.
"tattered regrets thread the night" - great line, regrets are hard to escape especially when it keeps you awake
oooh how I hate when sleep is on vacation!
lovely again Sue! ( FOUR followers already!!) xox
very nice poem..
I especially liked the sleep on vacation idiom.. very thoughtful
Your words are so beautiful even when speaking about sleeplessness. I especially liked the line tattered regrets thread the night They certainly can keep one awake. Thanks for sharing your words and that splendid watercolor. Have a nice day.
Wow, this is really amazing Sue. Such descriptive, evocative words and incredible watercolor to accompany. Well done!!!!
two words.....tylenol pm...
As ever beautiful words and painting.
'yesterdays gyrate underfoot and
tattered regrets thread the night'
This was especially poignant.
How beautifully you've captured the mind's shenanigans on sleepless nights ... love the title and the watercolor too.
Hugs and blessings,
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