Heads or Tails prompts with 'This Time Of Year'. Make a post telling what you do or don't like about this time of year.
I spun a few American Sentences (follow the link to read about this form) and here is a source to help count syllables (or words).
Winter is beautiful but it comes in bites too large to chew.
Today winter is four white feet high and it's continuing to fall down.
I love long summers but winter captures my heart for twenty minutes.
Mail, guests, planes and cities full of snow plows are held captive by downfall.
Snow is building up to a perma-winter, shoulder high and counting.
Cabin fever comes ahead of the Solstice ~ lingers til Equinox
Happy Holidays
♥ ♥ ♥
I definitely feel cabin fever too! Wonderful entry! Happy holidays :)
Winter with all the snow falling is sooo pretty. I prefer to view it from inside where I'm nice and warm, though. (Winter sissy baby!)
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!!!
I can't agree enough! We've even run out of firewood to try to help make it a bit better. And my poor dogs desperately want to run around outside the way they always do, but their poor paws can't take it! I'm ready for spring now. :)
Happy Tuesday!
I'm already tired of the cold and the bad weather, and winter just started ;-)
"Mail, guests, planes and cities full of snow plows are held captive by downfall."
I liked this line a lot, the practical effects of winter well included in your words.
Very unique entry!! Loved it! Have a great Christmas....
hehehehe - Cabin fever is good one.
love your winter photos.
We were hoping for our first white Christmas bust unfortunately looks like it will just rain here in Northern Ireland.
Its our liquid sun and icy ice.
Hello from way down south where there isn't such a thing as that nasty white stuff!!!!
I'd prefer the beach on a cloudy, blustery day without the slick and icy streets. I'm too old to be traipsing through drifts.
On that note, have a glorious holiday season and find peace and happiness on Christmas day.
Now they were fun.
Well put...very enjoyable!
Hugs Giggles
What a way to put it!
Merry Christmas to you!
all in a days work
Yes, winter can seem like it lingers but with a shinny sparkles things of the year it always brightens it up.
Coffee is on.
merry cristmas girl... thank you for yet another year of beauty in your words and your art.......
Merry Christmas ....if only I was a wee bit younger I'd be chasing ya round that chrissy tree,,,,,,,
I have a deck that looks just like yours. We don't get this kind of weather very often so we aren't prepared for it. One good thing is that it doesn't last long before the rainy west coast weather hits and washes the beautiful white stuff away. Thanks for the picture and great post. Happy holidays and thank you for all your wonderful comments!
sorry i didnt stop by in time for the heads and tails.
merry xmas to you. hope you had a nice day :)
I thought the p[icture said it all, but no, the poem had a lot to add.
such a nice read! great snow photos and great haiku too. hope your christmas was perfect! xo
Wishing you all the Very Best for the New Year and the Future!
Everything LOOKS so pretty ... but I recall a Christmas I spent in Minnesota a few decades ago and remember the feelings you describe so eloquently. Just call me spoiled rotten because it was warm enough here to take Molly to Dog Beach today, but we're due for rain again over the weekend.
Hugs and blessings.
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