Today, a tanka:
ambitious rulers
spitting in the cold black wind
rapacious villains
spinning incredible yarns
the face of newfound ugly
One Single Impression: Prompt 82: Fog
Thanks to Sweetest in the Gale for this week's prompt, fog.
jagged peaks
gnaw at low-hung fog
lacy sun
autumn clouds
mound thicker layers
reshape dreams
curved lenses
expose fog-wrapped lights
failing sight
The image was created on a Bamboo Fun Tablet with Adobe Photoshop Elements. There's much for me to learn.
Read Write Poem offers this Wordle for prompt #92. Thanks RWP!
A quick write, but I used all the words. You can probably tell where my mind has been lately. :)
Hip Hip Hooray
one husk of human
picked the piker's plum
a scofflaw at heart
with pittance for a soul
Bernie didn't conform
basked in a sweet clover limelight
professed to sleep at night
without a doctor's remedy
but from jail's extended stop
this bane of the multitude carps
there's no escape file baked
inside Friday night's confection
One Single Impression posts: My Bellavia brings us this week's prompt, thirst. Thanks, Janice!
one word
that special nectar
rising thirst
Fractal image created in Fractal Explorer.
Fractal image was created in Fractal Explorer.
ThomG, moderator of 3 Word Wednesday, offers these three words as prompt: engage, mayhem and disarm.
across the chasm
doors are chalked
crows cluster at the crosses
meaningless mayhem
makes holes in aging folds
flamethrowers engage
the vile and the evil
disarm the veil of truth
lights of Diogenes spit
eye of Cyclops winks
Fractal image was created in Fractal Explorer.
ABC Wednesday offers H as the prompt. Thank you!
He sat quietly for several hours while hoping for a hummingbird landing. At times, more than three dozen of these fast-paced birds with exuberant chirps swooshed in and out of geraniums and glanced off any touch of red.
The reward came when two hummingbirds perched on the finger of this six-year-old to drink nectar from the fake flower.
When asked what it was like, he said the tiny bird feet felt like angel's wings and grinned with pleasure.
Magical memories.
Note: I cannot comment on those Google Blogs which bear the drop-down menu for ID purposes. (solution?)
One Single Impression posts: Thanks to Geraldine of My Poetic Path for this week's prompt, romance. Please visit Geraldine's blog here to read her contribution.
green leaves yellow
autumn brushes sumac
preps new canvas
summer dance
she came to wander
music breaks
salsa dance
lanquid days of love
yield to fall
Original watercolor by Sue.
My poetry books North of Summer and South of Winter are currently available at Amazon and, as always, available from my LuluBookstore in print or as download.