ThomG, moderator of 3WordWednesday, offers these three words: transparent, kneel, gloom

transparent ragweeds
kneel ahead of wilding wind
encircled by gloom
they rise, dressed in bright pollen
encircled by gloom
kneel behind the wilding wind
transparent ragweeds
Fractal created in Apophysis, processed in Irfanview.
See NaisaiKu or CYCLIKU! for more information about this form.
I like how you changed "ahead of" to "behind." It makes all the difference. "Wilding wind" is great, too!
I sneezed while reading this. I, too, liked the little change. Clever.
Ha! encircled by gloom? I think those nasty ragweed REVEL in their pollen dresses (just kidding, I like the picture too...)
Lovely, all of it! But I especially loved 'dressed in bright pollen'.
'wilding wind'
I enjoy reading seldom used words or expression in poetry, and knowing exactly what they mean (to me) and this is a stellar example to me.
Very fun to read and savor.
Its a great read! :) I love the words used to create the vivid visual:)
Beautiful description and clever use of 'ahead' and 'behind'.
Great naisaiku with its strong visual. Hope all is well.
Beautifully said, Sue. beautifully said.
loved the picture scripted in here :)
And then I had a sneezing fit followed by two weeks of sinus headaches...
I love the imagery here. Not many poems so good they make you sneeze.
Some great phrases in this. Excellent, as always.
Love it! and the subtle change on line 6... phew!!
Great imagery.
beautifully done.. although i am highly allergic to ragweed and wish they would disappear instead of just become translucent!!!
Love the visual & words ... TTFN ~Marydon are astonishingly creative..
very inspiring..
lovely naisaiku...and the fractal is beautiful!
nice, excellent job on the Naisiku, you're very good at Naisaiku, love the visual here
narrating poem. Specially the bending giving in to wild wind.
Beautiful :)
Once I realized "ahead" had switched to "behind," it all made very poetic sense. The subtle change completes it for me. Nicely done.
I agree with ThomG, because it just made me want to hold my nose while reading it. I also like the art work.
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