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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

K for ABC Wednesday

Kale is headless cabbage according to the Wikipedia page. The first time I tasted kale was when a daughter used it as garnish on Tuscan Sausage Soup and I loved the flavor but failed to do anything about it - a fine kettle of kerfuffle.

After reading the Wiki...page, I searched for recipes and found a kazillion which range from soups to chips. It appears to be a very healthy vegie. It's even possible, not probable, that I could grow some next season.

Yesterday, a daughter brought me a batch of the tastiest kind of her homemade vegetable soup with a 'side' of fresh kale. Now I'm thinking kale chips.

Are you a kale liker/lover?

♥     ♥     ♥


Jane and Chris said...

Oh, yes! I like kale boiled/steamed with a splash of malt vinegar. YUM!!
Jane x

VioletSky said...

Kale chips???
Had to look it up and on each site with a recipe the commenters all seemed to LOVE it. Perhaps I'll give it a try.

Roger Owen Green said...

had to warm up to kale - did NOT LOVE IT.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Nanka said...

Love the kurled up leaves, looks healthy, lovely and green!! Must check out the local market here and the corresponding local name. Love my veggies and greens!!

photowannabe said...

Kale chips sound fascinating. Not too fond of the flavor of the leaves. Most of the time its just used as a garnish that's left on the plate at restaurants.
I think it may be an acquired taste.

Anonymous said...

Sure am. in fact, I have made that soup.

EG CameraGirl said...

I DO like kale. Yummy.

Chronicles of Illusions said...

i first tried it in Holland - yummo

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

I know its good for me, but I have yet to acquire a taste for kale. But, it is a beautiful vegetable.

Dave King said...

I like kale, but a while back I had a cataract operation and during it the surgeon and a nurse were talking about having curly kale for breakfast. That was going too far for me.

kaykuala said...

Greens are always healthy, whichever way it is done. This appears ok as a salad too, may be!


Ingrid said...

A headless cabbage ? that sounds really funny, lol ! I don't think I ever have tasted it !
headless cabbage

Anonymous said...

Can't say I've eaten kale...intentionally. I may have had it in a salad and didn't realize it. But it's an interesting veggie from a photographic perspective! :-)

Carver said...

I used to grow kale when I had a vegetable garden. Great K word.

Reader Wil said...

Hi Sue! Kale is a very common vegetable in the Netherlands. We cook it as a stew with potatoes and serve it with smoked sausage and gravy. I like it.

ChrisJ said...

Just don't know that I've ever had it. I'm not good with eating my 'greens'. But I do love the gree banner fractal you have greeny watery fronds. Beautiful picture.

jabblog said...

I can't recall whether I've ever had this - I like most greens, though, so probably would appreciate kale, too.

Berowne said...

Kale -- good choice for a K word.

Joy said...

I love kale, and it looks pretty too.

Liz Rice-Sosne said...

Wonderful painting ... and I love my kale ... s. Curly, pink, dragon and others.

Q said...

I do like kale and grow it in my garden.
It is a bi-annual so it returns for a second year of tasty eating before I have to replant.
Kale chips are amazing too....I stir a few fresh chopped leaves in my stir fries....super tasty!
Wonderful catching up with you.
I do miss ABC Wednesday....they were so fun! Nine rounds is impressive.

Kristy Worden said...

Vegetables of all kinds are a foreign language to me. Now and then I think I HAVE to eat healthy, I've really got to master vegetables. I go to the store full of good intentions, then I stand in front of the vegetables and try and figure out what they're for. In the end, it's back to canned green beans. So no, never had kale, it looks kind of 'fuzzy' though. I think I'd have to dut it up really small to put in a salad with my iceberg! Hope all is well Sue,