
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Y for ABC Wednesday

Every now and then, I think I've played this meme too long. Too hard. Every now and then...when the difficult letters at the end of the alphabet arrive!

However, I stumbled across this old word and while not totally enamored with the sound of it, I do yearn for the potential of experiencing the energy it defines.

Yare: Reflects a sense of mental quickness felt from time to time - the readiness of facing challenges. And at this moment, I love the idea of Yare!

Yes, I do!

  Enthusiastic animation of the seven-year-old and his friend.
♥     ♥     ♥


MorningAJ said...

I could do with some yare!

Cezar and Léia said...

I loved this word and I think I need to put lots of it in my life! LOL
Cute animation, thanks for sharing!

Leslie: said...

Oh, me too! Let's play! lol

Sylvia K said...

I could definitely do with some YARE!! I'm ready to play!! Great post for the Y Day! I love it! Hope your new year is off to a great start! Enjoy!


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

i wish I can,
dynamic image, well done.

anthonynorth said...

A most worthy word, even if it is a little clumsy.

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, I remember that. I don't remember the word, but I remember when I had a sense of mental quickness. Let me see, it was 1970-something, or maybe 1980-something.
Good word. Excellent post. I love the little boy making the Y shape, and the panda popping in and out.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

photowannabe said...

I definitely need some Yare this morning. It seems to be in short supply.
Very cute animation too. Thanks for sharing a word I wasn't aware of before.

Rune Eide said...

I would need a lot of Yare for another go at Y!

eyeography said...

Oh! I have never been so ready to face challenges like I am now...
Thanks for sharing the word.. :)

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, keep playing!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gigi Ann said...

Yare to you.. I like learning new/old words. I'm reading a mystery novel, the copyright is 1936, but in a revised version, and I have to get out the dictionary to see what some of the words mean.

Carver said...

I would love some yare. Great word for the letter Y. Happy New Year!

Hildred said...

Didn't know about this word, but I do admire it for its meaning!

Unknown said...

The animation is adorable. Oh my. LOVE it! : ) And I love the word. Thank you for educating me! : )

Rajesh said...

This is new to me.

Mom vs. the boys said...

I could use more Yare in my life

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

I rarely get a yare...if I do get a yare. Well, it would be rare.

Autumn Belle said...

Oh Wow, I leant a new word today!

Reader Wil said...

I like this word too, though I don't know how to pronounce it. Perhaps like "flare"?
I agree with you that the last letters of the alphabeth are the most difficult. Always a challenge to find proper words.

Greensboro Daily Photo said...

Yare: Wonder what it would look like as a photograph or a fractal? I guess the animation from the kids took yare!

Cheryl said...

Great choice for Y. And now I have another word in my Scrabble arsenal. Whee!

Nanka said...

Nearly got my eyes entangled :D A very different and an unusual word too.

Ingrid said...

Never heard that word !

Misfit in Paradise said...

What a great new word!

Joy said...

I'm rarely yarely at the end of ABC. Interesting word.
Love the panda child.

Unknown said...

Ha! How do I get some that? :-)

Anonymous said...
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jabblog said...

I love the animation:-)
I think, just after Yuletide, we could all do with some Yare - great word.

Kavita said...

Oh, you certainly possess this yare, my friend!! :)
May you face every challenge with all the yare in the world!!
Love and Best Regards for the new year!

Crafty Green Poet said...

that's a great word and one I'd never heard before!