
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Haiku for One Single Impression

One Single Impression: Prompt 84: Descent: "Thanks to Sue of Sunflower Roots for this week's prompt, descent."


fiery leaves
fall from limb to land
shooting stars


alpine creek
bounces down the hills
windblown song


Fractal created with MBFractal.

My poetry books North of Summer and South of Winter are currently available at Amazon and, as always, available from my LuluBookstore in print or as download.



Pam said...

I really like the first haiku's image of the autumn's fire-color falling like shooting stars. Very nice.

anthonynorth said...

You've captured autumn beautifully.

poefusion said...

both haiku are great and share a bit of autumn's grace. hope all is well.

Quiet Paths said...

Visually wonderful and the final lines expertly chosen. Windblown song; how I wish I could learn to play that one.

SandyCarlson said...

How I love those shooting stars.

zoya gautam said...

.. ( i remember ur artwork on thunderbolt(s) / lightning _& ur images of humming birds _ur fractals make me think -- that i appreciate ur art is a fair confession )

both ur haiku 'talk ' _ in the language of nature ..

thanks for sharing this ..

Tammie Lee said...

both are lovely
the first one I particularly relate to in my life
your poetry always touches something in my heart

Beth P. said...

I like both of these,but especially the second. Descent can be joyful~

Mariana Soffer said...

I love fractals a lot, I used to make them myself by programming math equations that included imaginary number, it is great, you should try it.
Nice haikus, I think they match with Fractal structures


Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

Very creative haikus. One thing for sure Sue, I love your art as much as I your haiku. To me abstract art is very good, as it allows me to see what I desire to see.

Jane Doe said...

Wonderful haikus. They are the perfect accompaniment to Autumn.

lissa said...

I like the first one, dreamsome

if said...

fiery leaves...lovely words ...so subtle and also so intense!

indicaspecies said...

Lovely words. I like the first one more that describes autumn beautifully!

Jim said...

Your picture was so good with the haiku. I did a double take on it after the poem looking for any 'real' stars.
I have a question. When an updraft comes along would the leaf 'fall' upwards?
Had you make me think of that before I wrote mine I may have tried working with that thought. I don't suppose that would be very 'poetic' in nature though.

Geraldine said...

I love how you've captured this prompt in words. And the painting, in a word: OUTSTANDING!

Well done Sue.

Hugs, G

WH said...

Your words are as lovely as I remembered!

Patti said...

Love them Sue! The fiery leaves like shooting stars...brilliant!

mingus said...

beautiful autumn!

sgreerpitt said...

how fiercely beautiful.

sgreerpitt said...

how fiercely beautiful.