And, my bad, once I determined that fact, it became easier for me to try things I wouldn't have in those earlier years. I found freedom to attempt any activity without a need to gain proficiency beyond my localized interest.
To the best of my ability or to the best of my desire is enough for me to take on now and while I can be a hard taskmaster, sometimes I shrug and move on.
Competitive? No. I hope I haven't missed something...
Winning? Now that's another story. Each week I purchase a PowerBall ticket.

Manipulated digital photo by Sue
Prompt from Sunday Scribblings
That sounds like a good, healthy perspective to me.
Mad Kane
That is a wonderful place to be, where the external pressures to compete no longer touch you. You are absolutely right calling it a freedom. To engage in any endeavor on your own terms, strictly for your own personal enjoyment and growth. We should all be so lucky to attain such inner peace.
Now that is one competition I DO care to win too!
great thoughts. :)) (gee... I guess I need to play?)
That is GREAT!
What a great plus to getting older, it shakes off some of the pressure. It's like you own up to your life a little bit more. It's your take. :)
Who needs competition? There's no competition when you're trying to be unique and yourself.
Well, I'm 86 years old but I still am constantly competing with my past performances in any field I'm still interested in. I wish I could achieve your restful place...
i completely agree - once the pressure is off the opportunity is ripe!
i completely agree - once the pressure is off the opportunity is ripe!
i too have no desire to ace anything anymore... i used to be much the opposite,, not necessarily competitive to the point of distraction,,, but rather enough to know that i cared... i wonder where that went?????
Your philosophy on competition is wonderful! And I love the photo, too.
I don't have a restful bone in my body. I need to do better than what I have done before.
Hope I hope I attain the state you mention here.
reading room
Loved the 'power ball' ending...I cant wait for the kind of freedom you mention here, just to do what I wanna do..thank you as always, Sue.
Fantastic place to be, IMHO.
My scribblings are finally up! Come visit! :-)
What a powerful kind of freedom, to give yourself the chance to explore with no preconceptions or limitations, free of outside pressures.
Enjoyed this post... and you are never too old to excel at something,
i love it. be a winner without losing more than a dollar in the competition amongst the throngs :)
Yes, getting older has been a freeing experience for me too. Great post.
There's got to be a happy medium between feeling competitive and feeling OK with "whatever". I think both are healthy if kept away from extremes.
I've never known age to hold someone back from competition... in my family we'd have generations sitting around the table playing games like scrabble... my grandma sure played to win.
Good luck with the lottery!!
I like to try things and I want to do well, but for me it has become mostly, "the fun is in the attempt". And if I think I can personally gain by trying harder or more, I may, but if not, I just enjoy the moment, because life is just a series of moments of different depths and calibers. The lottery, I keep forgetting to buy my tickets recently, but for a while, I was obsessive at getting them.
Marcia (MeeAugraphie)
Sending magical winning fairy dust your way.
Win that Powerball baby!
Have a wonderous week,
Oh, oh... I wish I was less competitive. LOL
Love your post. I too am of that magical age, and not having to win is only one of the benefits.
I feel the same Sue! Excellent post, hope you win the powerball!! Just keep chanting I'm a winner!!
Hugs Sherrie
I know what you mean -- this surrender that comes with age is slipping into my life as well. It is nice. Susiej
wise words... I'll be watching the SR for the big winners on the Powerball!
Grandma Moses started paining at 80 years old. You never know!
"Each week I purchase a PowerBall ticket."
Way cool!
u write beautifully ma'm..!
I think you're competitive gene lies within you......and it pushes and pulls you creatively and spiritually Sue.
I have a feeling you may be like me. Once a piece is written and given birth to, there is a strong urge to forge ahead to write something EVEN better? There is an inner competitiveness which feeds curiosity, creativity and consequently our motivation.......
it opens the doors to word tripping thoughts! :)
ps. lottery tickets are purchased around here too! :)
Nice perspective..and good luck with the power ball.. I am too ambitious.. only purchase it when the winning amount is over 300 M!!!
I like how this prose can't help but be poetic!
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