Flutter Poetry Journal
is a terrific small site publishing some of the best contemporary poetry you'll read. I downloaded the editor's e-book recently and return monthly to read the work there. You'll like it, I'm sure!
Burry Thoughts: Interesting reading...
Everything you wanted to know about writing, poetry, art, theater. For years I've subscribed to their e-mail and studied the site often, but the blog allows immediate access and an easy way to keep up in my own time frame. Great blog.
One fibonacci to go:
sprout out
circle bold
yolk yellow spotlight
he loves me, no, he loves me not

Digital Photo, Daisy Shy, by Sue
North of Summer available at LuluPublishing
Hi Sue,
Thank you for the links.
Thank you for the poem and photo.
Thank you for you!
Thanks, Sherry! I welcome your wonderful comments and absolutely love your blog. Six degrees at work here - glad to have found your site!
I love that one Sue! You're so incredibly talented! Keep up the coolness.
Terri K
Thanks for the mention, Sue, and the loyalty. As you know, we discontinued the newsletter to go to the immediacy of the blog. And we also invite you to participate with us in the new interactive age and join Inked-In, our social network for writers,, artists and musicians, at inked-in.com.
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