
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Time Travel

stumble beyond the halfway
slowing to minimum speed
somewhere dead ahead
of the second dawn

I find my wanderlust
broken down to wanderrust
and judge it's no disgrace
to avoid the human race ~

surging anywhere it isn't,
I'm not greatly motivated
by traveling for its own sake
to see things first or twice

but that old Wells machine
does crank my yearn
to scrap midlife routine

Time Travel is the prompt from Writers Island


Linda Jacobs said...

Oh, me too!

This is great! I love how your poems are like little treasures releasing their booty after a couple of readings!

Anonymous said...

I find my wanderlust
broken down to wanderrust



Anonymous said...

Another gem! Fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Love the first four lines. I was transported to the machine to be with you, as you travel through time. Great work!

UL said...

"wanderlust to wanderrust"... i liked it.

Anonymous said...

It's just a jump to the left!

Let's do the time warp again!

Chris said...

You never disappoint, wonderful!!!

Crafty Green Poet said...

I particularly liked 'wanderlust to wanderrust'

Anonymous said...

You are very clever with your word usage. Now I want to travel through time!

Anonymous said...

That was good..I like the midlife crisis bit..:D

seeds travelling tthrough time

anthonynorth said...

You express a sentiment marvellously - one could say, timeless.

Lifeless in Ohio said...

wonderrust! LOL excellant!

aMus said...

wow!! what a gem..
my favorite - wanderlust to wanderrust..loved reading this...

Steve said...

We all escape sometimes....

Some more than others.....

Me, I lose myself in words and stories!

totomai said...

indeed, wanderlust and wanderrust is a hit here. :-)

an enjoyable read.

Jeques said...

"Wanderrust" that is clever! But I think we may rust physically, as long as our minds work, we could still have the power to wander, to travel, to explore and be delighted by the many joys of travelling be it physically or mentally.

Travel on.

I wish you well.

~ Jeques

Constance Brewer said...

Wonderful! I can relate to this- especially "it's no disgrace
to avoid the human race ". I think once we're done wandering, we just want to be left alone. *g*

Rambler said...

I liked your expression regarding traveling for traveling sake .. very nice

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Hello, Idaho! Fine poem. Wells machine might now be replaced with Dr Who's TARDIS--a blue call box= Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, I think....

little wing writer said...

hmm, i can agree with that... wanderrrust..that was funny... had to laugh.... im thinkin dust off my ol back pack and head out on another adventure.. the fractal was great too...