Photos, Programs, Paintings and Post-Processing
This tiny free program produces a photo in text plus it permits a choice of font and letters. Experiments create a plethora of style and color with your favorite font. Some photos translate better than others and it's always fun to see what transpires.
It works very well with faces, but I thought I'd try this particular piece which is the text version of the watercolor painting header. I used the default parameters.
Isn't this a perfect touch of magic?
♥ ♥ ♥

You've always been more technosavvy than I. And two posts in a row with the word 'plethora'!
Oh, and you figured out your ABC Wednesday link wasn't working, deleted and reposted! This is GREAT. You have no idea how much we appreciate that!
Ah, if only I was techie minded ;-)
I know what I'll be doing the rest of the day. :-) Thanks for the idea and link.
That is so clever, you do find some interesting things. Must admit I find all technology just like magic.
rich painting.. you're so techy... maybe I was just born to appreciate... well done!
My ABC Wed here
You have found something so interesting. My computer skills are minute but think I will give it a try sometime. Perfect post for P. Thanks
I like that. Great choice for P.
How cool is that? I'm afraid to go and try it for fear that I will be sidetracked with it for more time than I should! But you know I will...I can't resist!
I guess, like Roger and Anthony, I'm not techie enough. I tried to download this program, and I got it into my "Downloads" file but can't get it to open. Maybe it doesn't like my iMac.
So, as you can probably tell, I was impressed! Good for you!
— K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
Sounds like something I would like to do but like others I'm not sure my skills are good enough. Now if I could find a couple more hours in my day I think I could probably figure it out.
You are awfully clever in technical skills. I am not going to try this program. My daughter might do this.she is an engineer and knows how to work the computer.
Thanks for your visit!
Cool. Would love to go for it, but promised myself not to overload my computer.
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