
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

ABC Wednesday T

Tarradiddle:  falsehood, nonsense, fib

There's something about this word that makes me giggle even as I watch the taradiddling that spins itself out on he said, she said TV. It fits so many people and there's no doubt I could be called on it, too, as I fudge, fib or tell a little nonsense if I think it does more good than harm. But I've also reached that age where nobody trusts me to remember, or tell, the truth anyway.  

Are you a taradiddler? 

And this image has nothing to do with taradiddle, at all. Toward the heart of a brand new Asiatic Lilly, lush red. Although it might not be here. Images have been iffy as has the follow/follwers widget. Tarradiddling?

♥     ♥     ♥


Tina´s PicStory said...

Pretty flower :) LG Tina

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes! I'm definitely a taradiddler and I love the word! How fun for the T Day! Yes, at my age, no one expects me to remember anything either and try to be tolerant -- well, at least my kids try to be tolerant! I'm sure it's harder sometimes than others!! Enjoy the remainder of your week!

ABC Team

MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...

What a great word! SO much fun to say. The photo was beautiful too! Thanks.

Karen said...

What a great word!

photowannabe said...

Delightful word. I'm glad I now know what I am too. Fun post.
I too am having trouble with my follower widget and actually commenting on some blogs. I get into a loop that takes me no where. I sure hope it gets fixed soon.
Blogger has got to stop being a Taradiddler!

anthonynorth said...

Well, if I am, I certainly am not ;-)

Roger Owen Green said...

love that word. you could make a riddle with it.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Jane and Chris said...

Now thinking of ways to drop the word into conversation!
Jane x

Leslie: said...

I love listening to "taradiddling" but not much good at doing it myself. Wonderful post and hope you have a great week,

abcw team

Quiet Paths said...

That is a totally fun word and a gorgeous image. I'm sure I will have to work the t word into a sentence today, somehow. :)

Reader Wil said...

You treat us every week to a new word! Tarradiddle! It sounds a bit like Tweedledee, and Tweedledum from
"Through the Looking Glass and what Alice found there." If you ask me, there is a lot of tarradiddle on TV and some politicians are real tarradiddlers.
Have a great tarradiddleless week.

Maryhocam said...

Great new word to add to my vocabulary

Gigi Ann said...

I love the new word, and I try not to tarradiddle, if I can help it.

Kay L. Davies said...

I'd forgotten about the word Taradiddle until you mentioned it.
Of course, T is for Tumblewords, Too.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Hildred said...

Wonderful word, - and very apt for many people, I'm sure. Including myself!

nonizamboni said...

Taradilling will be my word of the day tomorrow :O)
You 'gilded' the lily too. Beautiful, as always!

Carver said...

What a fun word and it makes me giggle too. Beautiful flower.

Pearl said...

Excellent word.

I believe we have more taradiddling going on than we have any other kind of diddling...

Although, come to think of it, there's an awful lot of diddling going on, too...



Anonymous said...

In some way or the other humans are born tradiddlers :) I love it ;)

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Gosh, that word DOES make me giggle too! I think we are all born with the taradiddler trait within us!

I also forgot to include in my post about the on line auction for the Oaxaca Street Children that is about to begin.
Perhaps you will visit my other blog to find out more about it:


Oakland Daily Photo said...

A fun word to say. Fairly trips off the tongue.

Ingrid said...

That's a real funny word, never heard it ! lol !
ABC Team

Francisca said...

Tarradiddle... a tremendous T word that could be so useful! And I'd never heard it before. No, I'm not a tarradiddler... I'm more known for calling it as I see it... being provocative... and that is not always welcome either! :-D

Laura Bloomsbury said...

In truth, a nice euphemism for a white lie. Taradiddle makes me want to dance

Joy said...

Its always a word I imagine being said by someone from the 17th century, along with forsooth. Pity it is not used so much now, it is such a wonderful word to say.
Lovely lily.

ChrisJ said...

I've heard the word before but don't consciously remember where or what it meant. But it's certainly a good 'T'. Having problems posting some of my comments so I hope this goes through OK.

magiceye said...

love that word!!

Jama said...

A wonderful word for the meme, but I'm not one.

Cildemer said...

He he he! What a funny word! Never heard it before! And yes, I think I'm a taradiddler too;o)
Loved the flower shot too!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Hope you are having a nice and happy week****

jabblog said...

I love that word - it sounds much more fun than it really is!

Rambling Woods said...

I have a new word...yea...Michelle

Anonymous said...

I definitely taradiddle from time to time. Sounds completely harmless, doesn't it? What fun!

Dhemz said...

I honestly have never heard of this word before...very interesting! glad to know....:)

Lolamouse said...

What a great word! And I love the photo (that's no taradiddle!)

EG CameraGirl said...

I hope I'm not a tarradiddler! :)