Kismet: fate, destiny
I remember when this word was often heard. It sounded magical, mystical and happily maybe-ish. Now it reminds me to take a nap without feeling forced to take action because whatever happens was going to anyway. :)
In the 1950's, there were several movies and musicals which bore the Kismet title.
Kismet, as advanced by MIT, is an expressive robotic creature tailored to natural human communication channels and can be seen at this link: http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/humanoid-robotics-group/kismet/kismet.html
There is also Kismet software which is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system.
And my new favorite Kismet: a Finnish candy bar of crisp waffle and nougat covered in milk chocolate.
Who knew?
♥ ♥ ♥
I also didn't know this world.Today I've already learned two new words, I'm very happy, improving my English!
Thanks for this "kismet"post
I had no idea there was such a variety of "kismets"! What a great choice for the K Day! Delightful post! Hope your week is off to a great start! Enjoy!
ABC Team
It's a good word. Destined to appear some time.
A Kismet candy sounds really good right now! And, don't forget the ballet called, "Kismet".
Sometimes I believe in kismet; then there are those other times...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
I remember the movies and songs of the 50s. I think I just told my age... hehe
I only ever knew it as 'fate'.
It's 'Kismet' mostly.
Excellent magpie 58; Isn't it amazing how many people refer to the ambiguous smile; not a very warm or welcoming one, in my book.
The chocolate sounds like my kind of kismet! Great word for today.
The kismet meaning fate I knew, but the candy bar I didn't, but it sounds delicious.
I had to laugh at that. Me, too! I remember the musical, but not the candy.
The candy sound like my favorite too!
So many new meanings of Kismet. I remember (vaguely) the movie, Kismet. and must go and investigate the Kismetic Robot. The candy bar too, if I could.
apt interpretations on Kismets..
admirable thing to know that each English word could be used in so many different ways.
Sounds a bit like serendipity! :-)
I like the idea of kismet reminding you to take a nap. all the other meanings are new to me. thanks!
Sounds like a great name in a novel:
Evelyn Kismet.
I have learned another word today...thanks.
Happy ABC Wed.
Beautiful take on K!
Want some more K? Come and have some Kisses from my webpage.
Taking a nap seems a good answer to vagaries of life, after eating a chocolate bar of course.
In our history there is always a query as to whether as Lord Nelson lay dying on the ship deck he said kiss me Hardy or Kismet to Thomas Hardy.
nice entry,...
it's nice to be here in your blog too
This is my first time to join ABC Wednesday
have a great day and happy blogging.
I vote for the Finnish candy bar. A word this magical should never be associated with left-brain stuff!
You've made me hungry for chocolate! That bar sounds delicious!
Love the sound of kismet as well!
Great postfor K!
Hadn't heard that word in years.
But I'll take the candy bar.
I know what you mean. Must be the side effect of being older. :-)
looks like Karma fits the definition.
A girl has her should at the right side tattoo with destiny in Chinese.
My new word for the day!
Kismet is a GREAT word. I knew some of those meanings but you enlightened me as well.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
That chocolate sounds nice!
Kismet is an evocative word, and you sure did your research on this! I loved the 1955 version with Howard Keel, Ann Blyth, and the immortal Monty Woolley! Also, Mike Mazurki and Jack Elam, two famous Hollywood heavies... thanks for the memory!
Here's mine:
I have always enjoyed that word. I know someone with a cat named Kizmet!
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