
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

N for ABC Wednesday


Numb, NaNoWriMo and Netherworld

Numbness of the mind is not a novel thing, it happens more often than I'd like.

November is a novel month and draws near with NaNoWriMo in tow. Oh. No. Already?

Each of the past four years, I've penned a novel during the thirty days hath November but now my muse seems to have dropped into the netherworld and I have trouble putting three sentences together.

Could I write another 50,000 words in November? Can you?

An Apophysis Fractal

♥     ♥     ♥


LisaF said...

Netherworld...I like that. Your fractal illustrates that word wonderfully. Maybe your muse needs some coaxing with a stroll in the autumn color.

Cezar and Léia said...

No way, I don't have this talent to write, unfortunately.I hope in November all letters and words can be my friend and I can think about a beautiful NATURE poem!
You are very creative!Congrats!

Sylvia K said...

Well, I've written six, but not sure I could do it again, so I do know just where you are coming from! Great post for the day though!! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


Roger Owen Green said...

NAH, I have NO NOVEL in me, certainly NOT under those constraints.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Nanka said...

Nice fun way to introduce your N words. My mind was numb trying to pronounce NaNoWriMo thinking it was a word. LOL :D
Have a great day!!

anthonynorth said...

Good luck with that. Hope you make it.

Amy said...

Sue, I have trouble just doing one blog per week! Writing takes discipline and I admire people like you who do it so well.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm sure you can. I doubt that I could though. I hope you do!

photowannabe said...

Wow, that's quite a challenge. I don't think I could do that. My brain has been in the Netherworld for quite some time. (:0)

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I often think I should try to write a novel but that is far as it goes. There is one in each of they say. Nice thought.

Rune Eide said...

I wish I could help you out here, but this do not sound like the kind of writing I used to do. Good luck!

Wanda said...

Novels, no...very short stories yes.

You are an amazing writer!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

sorry to hear that.
take a day off,
breath easy.
hope to see you shine again.

Carver said...

I don't think I have 50,000 words to say at this point although I used to like to write more. Great ideas for the letter N.

Gigi Ann said...

Write 50,000 words in November, I think not! I don't have a Novel thought in my Numb brain. But, I do like to read Novels in November and every other month of the year.

Granny Smith said...

I'm having trouble just getting my annual calendar ready to send to friends and family.

Nice fractal!

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, I couldn't. I've had writer's block for months. I once wrote a 50,000 word novel and the nice man at the publishing house liked it but wanted me to extend it to 90,000 words. It wouldn't hold up over the long haul, so that was the end of Kay The Novelist.
Now I just want to finish An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel, so I'm hoping to get my muse back through posting to memes.

Kay, Alberta

Rajesh said...

Good luck with your novel.

Hildred said...

You couldn't pick a better month to write a Novel, - November is such a blah month, unless you are immersed in Christmas preparations (ehhh)

Janet said...

I could certainly write 50,000 words in 30 days, but would they make sense? That is the challenge! Thanks for visiting my blog.

MaR said...

I can't write...that's why I post large pictures :)
Wishing you a happy November already !


Reader Wil said...

May be I could write a book about my life, but as nobody is interested, I don't like to take so much trouble for nothing. I think it very clever that you did it several times.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Remember Mock and Mindy, NANO NANO?

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Did you publish your books?

I have done two, but find it hard to get publishers.

larkswing said...

Ahhh to have your gift of words - no I do not believe I could do 50,000 words :)

Joy said...

Oh that pesky muse, maybe she will arrive unexpectedly. I like the sound of '30 days of literary abandon' but think I'm more likely to abandon myself to reading rather than writing.

Ingrid said...

I couldn't do that either !

Maria Berg said...

YES you can - go out for a walk and you see you will find something to write about!
And yes now a few hours later I do feel much happier.
Take care, MB

Willa said...

Yup! November is only a week or so away for Noni...what-is-it-again? :D

TheChieftess said...

Go outside...clear your mind...decide that you won't be writing a novel this November...and perhaps the Muse will kick up a fuss and start her novel dance!!!

Erika B said...

Hm, never thought about writing a novel. I'm more of a "picture-girl" I think.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Erika B

jabblog said...

I could write 50,000 words but I don't think there'd be any plot, characters or sense;-)

Strummed Words said...

Nice to know you are trying NaNoWriMo this year again. I am impressed with your 4 novels! Give it another good try! I will!

jay said...

Mmm. Could I write 50,000 words in November? Probably not. I get distracted too easily, and also I tend to revise and revise and revise before I've even written a first draft!

Did you get them published?

Cheryl said...

I never knew what NaNoWriMo was. Eek! I could never sign on for that.

Ralf Bröker said...

I hove to do it. Cause it's my job. And I like to do it. Of course my muse dissapears for ages sometimes. But when I have a look into my unexplored parts of my soul she comes back so fast ...

Best wishes

Beverley Baird said...

I don't think I could! Here's hoping your muse is back for November in full force!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

imaginative n post.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


two awards for you,
invite you to join us at jingle poetry….

Stafford Ray said...

50,000? No problem. But having spent several times 50K with a completed novel even my kids aren't bothered to read (those who have say it is scary and a 'good read' and two more well on the way at about 70K words, I decided only crazies talk to themselves so I might as well go fishin'!