
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

L for ABC Wednesday


Leaf of Summer

a loose leaf
lifted by the wind
landed on the pond
caught by camera lens...
lightly treading water

This gogyohka poetry form is explained at http://www.fivelinepoetry.com/ I'm quite fond of short and easy poetry like captured snippets of thoughts.
♥     ♥     ♥


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love it!
smart poem!

Cezar and Léia said...

So beautiful poetry, I love Autumn season with all lovely colours and leaves!

Rune Eide said...

I'm glad you didn't just Leave it there, but Let us Love it too.

Berowne said...

Nice tumbling of words, Tumblewords!

Carrie Van Horn said...

What a wonderful capture it is...

Sylvia K said...

Lovely and so true and what a beautiful, colorful leaf! Delightful post for the L Day! Enjoy your week!


anthonynorth said...

Lovely, and it looks so graceful.

Vinay Leo R. said...

short yet effective for sure :) lovely L post! and a new form for me to try sometime!

My ABC Wednesday L

photowannabe said...

I like your captured snippets of thoughts too.
You said it all in just a few short words. Excellent.

Julie Jordan Scott said...

So excited for this new form! I am going to try it... love what you say AND love the image of the leaf. I wrote a poem earlier today that I titled "Look under the leaves."

So grateful to read your words today!

L is for Longing

Hildred said...

What a sweet post. I love the way you have expressed your thought.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

You keep revealing to me (us) about all these forms of short poetry. I had no idea and I love all these formats.
Wow. Love the leaf shot too. It's amazing!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Lovely words, lovely poem. A

Wendy said...

That picture is so light and luminescent! Beautiful post...

Amy said...

I counted six "l" words - so concise and beautiful!

Kay L. Davies said...

Lovely leaf, and a new word for me to learn. What more could I ask from the letter L ? (It is also my middle initial.)

Kay, Alberta

Joy said...

The rhythm of the breeze is in your gogyohka. The leaf looks as though it has wings.

Roger Owen Green said...

"all the leaves are brown, and the sky is gray" - a certain melancholy comes w autumn

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Wanda said...

What lovely poetry, and the picture so perfect.

kat said...

short but meaningful poem..love it

ChrisJ said...

Simple, but so appropriate.

Reader Wil said...

A golden leaf that waves good bye to summer! Hello wet autumn!

Nanka said...

Loved the short simple 5-liner.

Carver said...

Lovely leaf and poem. Great take on the letter L.

Ingrid said...

As long as it is a summer leaf it's OK, I don't like autumn, lol!

Gattina from the ABC team

kml said...

Beautifully stated and a lovely photo to go with the words.

Beverley Baird said...

I haven't heard of that kind of poem. Gorgeous shot and love the poem as well!

Cheryl said...

I love that photo and your poetry is beautiful. I like the short form too.

Christine said...

You've conveyed the fragility!

Tall Girl in Japan said...

so well written !