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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

K for ABC Wednesday

ABC WEDNESDAY ROUND 7: K is for.....


The Oxford English Dictionary defines kickie-wickie as: 'a jocular or ludicrous term for a wife.'

This silly-willy word was used by Shakespeare in All's Well That Ends Well, so it isn't a johnny-come-lately to linguistic ludicrosity.

Mark Peters, lexicographer and humorist, is a contributor of language posts at MSN and you can find his articles at http://www.good.is/community/MarkPeters  and at http://www.good.is/post/whoo-hoo-linguistic-reduplication/

I must admit that I am not a wife but have heard few funnier substitutions. I can hardly imagine the word being used. Can you?
K image created in Escape Motions
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Sylvia K said...

Fun word for the K Day! Ah, and depend on Shakespeare to use it! Glad my husband didn't know it or I'm sure I would have found myself with a new name! Fun post! Enjoy your week!


??? said...

I have not heard that before, I would fall over laughing if my (theoretical) husband called me that. Rely on Shakespeare to use weird words.

Vinay Leo R. said...

kickie wickie? :-o
first time m hearing of the word! :) interesting K post, Tumblewords!

Mine Is Here

Carver said...

That is a fun K word and one I wasn't familiar with.

photowannabe said...

This is a new one for me too. Glad my Hubby doesn't call me that!

Gigi Ann said...

First time I ever heard the word. "I would like you to meet my Kickie-wickie," hehe

Cezar and Léia said...

a wife?? wow it's a different word! :)
I'm always learning with blog friends, thanks very much!

Nanka said...

Never had heard this word before. Surely I wouldn't want to be called Kickie-Wickie!!
Sounds more like Icky-Wicky!!

Amy said...

That's a new one for me too Sue - I don't think I'll be sharing this with my husband!

anthonynorth said...

I like that. I'll try it on My Dearest later ;-)

Leslie: said...

New word for me, too. However, I'd rather be called that than something else! lol Have a great week. :D

Roger Owen Green said...

I think the term is kind of icky-sicky myself.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Mara said...

It sounds so friendly. Especially compared with most terms you hear (and the way they are said).

Rinkly Rimes said...

The 'kick' part of it sounds a bit like wife-bashing to me! I don't think I want my husband to use it!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

I never knew! That is a hilarious word and who'd a thought it's been around for a while! Thanks for learning me!


EG CameraGirl said...

HMMM. Glad my husband doesn't know that word. :)

Anonymous said...

How very interesting to read. Wouldn't have believed the age of the word. Please have a good Wednesday.

daily athens

Kay L. Davies said...

I agree with Brenda at Rinkly Rimes. I don't want my husband to find out about such a word. He'd use it just to annoy me.
But interesting history.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I do love to have visitors.

Alberta, Canada

Unknown said...

That's funny as well as interesting! :-D

My ABC Wednesday Post

Willa said...

What a Klever words! :)

Beverley Baird said...

I've never heard that one! Great post for K!

Self Sagacity said...

I would not like to be referred to as a kickie-wickie. I have been mistaken to be a husband figure sometimes by my children, is that close enough? Not a chance...Smiles.

Halie said...

I won't qualify for your "K" entry. Am not a kickie-widkie, probably I'm more of a weirdy-wifey.

Great informative post.


LisaF said...

I think we were probably the only two to come across that word! It's created sort of a "Sticky Wicket," wouldn't you say?! :-)

Hildred said...

I guess it depends on the tone of voice and the circumstances that surround you when you are being called a Kickie-wickie.....it sounds as if it should be in a song.

Reader Wil said...

Great discovery of a till now unknown word! Thanks!

Cheryl said...

It's my husband's birthday and I'm feeling a little kickie-wickie about it!

Ingrid said...

What a word ! I learned something new, lol !

Unknown said...

It could be a sticky wicket for you if your wifey didn't like being called a kickie-wickie! Thanks for a great contribution to K-day,
Helen Mac, ABC team

Joy said...

Possibly all would not end well for the husband saying ye old kickie-wickie. Like your ectoplasm K. Interesting link, surprising how many of these type of words there are.
Nighty Night.

ChrisJ said...

Reminds me of sticky wicket. which is where my husband will be if he starts looking for funny wife names!

magiceye said...


Barbara said...

I've seen a lot of Shakespeare but not AYLI, must look out for that one. Great choice for K day!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Great K choice - have never heard of it before. We gain knowledge every day! A x

jabblog said...

I've never heard this name before -obviously haven't studied Shakespeare sufficiently closely ;-)
Great fun :-)

Erratic Thoughts said...

This one's a first for me.
Thanx for sharing it!