
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Summer on a Stem for Magpie Tales

Magpie Tales offers this image for prompt. Please visit the site to see what others wrote!

Summer on a Stem

reluctant as a teen
towing toddler siblings
spring drags summer
by a string

the cold/wet stumbles
summer springs ahead
bastes green tomatoes
with her red hot hug

she fires the juices
heats winter bedded thirsts
trades buds for vibrant color
of summer on a stem

Image by Willow at Magpie Tales.
♥     ♥     ♥


Corrina Terry said...

I love it! Thank you.

Rinkly Rimes said...

Even the title is a poem in itself. Summer on a stem.....great.

Brigid O'Connor said...

Lovely Magpie, summer on a stem - great imagery.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Personified seasons! A lively trio of haikus celebrating the energy of summer in tomatoes!

Anonymous said...

Summer on a stem. Wonderful analogy, brilliant. Thanks for stopping by.

Suz said...

Her red hot hug.. Boy I liked that
Your Then and Now was good..looks like a lot of work doing that...but you made it look easy...mark of a genius

susan m hinckley said...

I loved it, particularly the first stanza (a poem in itself). Thanks for writing AND sharing it!

Pravin Nair said...

Loved the line 'summer on a stem'

nice title and nice poem...


Helen said...

Your Magpie is so 'visual' ... and delightful!

Kathe W. said...

I too like summer on a stem-perfect discription of a tomato!
Nice Magpie

Linda said...

"Summer on a string" You hit the nail on the head with that one.

Anonymous said...

Mouthwatering! I laughed at the first image.

Brian Miller said...

heating winters thirst...summer on a stem...love it. great magpie!

Karen S said...

Beautiful imagery -- the the first two lines made me smile.

signed...bkm said...

Wonderful take - exactly what a tomatoe is Summer on a Stem...great magpie..bkm

ninotaziz said...

...reluctant as a teen
towing toddler siblings

How true of tomatoes. How true of teens.

Carrie Van Horn said...

A brilliant poem, and a perfect Magpie! :-)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

wise words.
what a fun play on the prompt!

Harvee44 said...

Love your title - sumer on a Stem.

River-Rose said...

Very honest and sweet!

Anonymous said...

I can taste them now. There is nothing like a summer tomato. Mmmmmm.

chiccoreal said...

Dear TW: A sensual feast of astute literary ! Glorious poetry! Wholly consumed the savour of the season as you have described so beautifully! A most delicious and excellent treat! (I have actually felt like I just ate a tomatoe, but with such refinement as I have never known before)!Thank-you most kindly!

Anonymous said...

What a vivid Magpie!

Stafford Ray said...

'reluctant teens' isn't that just perfect!
To appreciate your tomato sentiments we subtropical antipodeans must imagine your seasons when summer and ripe tomatoes are synonymous! Lovely.

Paul C said...

Enjoyed this conversation in the garden patch.

Sue J said...

Love it. Especially the first verse.
Thanks for sharing.

Gabriela Abalo said...

Lovely poem!

Fresh and juicy


brenda w said...

Beautiful Magpie! From beginning to end a season passes. Terrific piece.

Jennifer said...

Well done TW, love your images of summer and her best bounty - green tomatoes basted with her red hot hug!

RA said...

Love it! I have always thought that tomatoes taste summer... :)

C.M. Jackson said...

such beautiful pictures you have created in my mind of tomatoes on the vine--great work!

Tess Kincaid said...

I adore "spring drags summer by a string".

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

summer is full of hot stuff and splashes,
so do tomatoes,
beautiful magpie,
love the wit in your words.

Pauline said...

so spring really drags summer by a stem - brilliant word picture!

Lyn said...

This makes me happy..summer on a stem..bring on those tomatoes!

~T~ said...

"Summer on a stem"--just what I think of tomatoes! I love the rest of the imagery, too. Lovely!

rel said...

I can't think of a better description of the season's transitions: the metaphorical pomme d'amour.

JeffScape said...

I'm with Pauline... "spring drags summer by a string" is an absolutely brilliant phrase.

Peggy Jo Farr said...

I love your way with words...I can taste this poem. Delicious!