curdled clouds
scatter phantom shapes
…humpbacked moon
Prompt from One Deep Breath Poetry
Cedar Creek Moon, Digital Photo by Sue
curdled clouds
scatter phantom shapes
…humpbacked moon
Prompt from One Deep Breath Poetry
Cedar Creek Moon, Digital Photo by Sue
Rock Wall original watercolor by Sue
North of Summer available at Lulu Publishing
jump start
elder boys
restore teenage angst
drive dreams of immortality
July created in Fractal Explorer.
North of Summer, A Decade of Poetry available at LULU Publishing
thrumming tires
asphalt hot
mark the miles
high beams spear
the double-dark of night
a country house
buttons up two knolls
panes of warmth
drag buried yearning
toward my throat
the Cleavers
suit and dress
children two point five
share a faultless dusk
like I’ve never known
morning’s breaking news
divulges to the dreamer
that private lights
aren’t what
they could have been
spring runoff
floods low flung washes
lichen spreads
shadowy rivers
hold root bound secrets of birch
clouds eclipse the moon
rain alters
massive limestone cliffs
hourglass sand
planes the indigo
waking waves
Cedar Creek, photo by Breanna Combs, Auburn, WA
Drawn toward the land
of wind-polished stone
arroyos breeding rabbit brush
Joshua trees that curl
where hawks knife endless sky
and death is dry and clean.
I place my palm
on alabaster marble,
Buddha belly of
the newborn boy,
watch the desert
brown and cracked
crawl across my hand.
Poetry Thursday is a great spot to visit and play!
A Breath of Blue, original watercolor in limited edition, is available at Lulu Publishing
puffing in sunlight
pigeon struts a mating dance
hungry cat crouches
loons cry a backchord
for a lonely train whistle
surprises coyote
A brown shoe world
flat as waning seas
before the dying sun
turned up
hard on the heels
of seven neon years.
Alchemy, mercury gray,
revamped her soul
walked her from stilettos
into a pair of empty loafers.
high noon Pegasus
raucous crow flashes ol’ Sol
sheds doppelganger
For OneBreathPoetry
North of Summer, A Decade of Poetry available at Lulu Publishing