
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Gerdes for Magpie Tales #120

Tess Kincaid offers the following image for writers' prompt.

image by Klaus Enrique Gerdes

garden stealth   
auntie oxidant's  
rise from earth

♥     ♥     ♥


Unknown said...

How funny, Tumblewords. I love "Auntie Oxident" and I cannot wait for the movie version. Who will play this new garden heroine? Brilliant. =D

Trellissimo said...

Full marks for this one. :)

Other Mary said...

Hahaha - love it!

Brian Miller said...

haha auntie oxidant....very fine play on words ma'am...perhaps she will save us all...

Anonymous said...

That auntie always has such a good spread!

Laurie Kolp said...

Love this, especially Auntie Oxidents"...

Suz said...

oh my...you made me giggle

izzy said...

As long as we don't waste all that food! ;)

Kathe W. said...

clever Auntie Oxident! Quick wit~

Lyn said...

What fun...so glad that you think this way!!

gautami tripathy said...


I enjoyed reading this!

borrow my eyes, borrow my ears

Susan Anderson said...

Just great!


Helen said...

Wonderful, wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

fun read

Anonymous said...

I see we are all laughing at your Auntie. I hope she isn't steamed about it.

Berowne said...

Clever. I've often wondered what ever happened to old Auntie Oxident. :-)

Dave King said...

Just superb.

Mr. Walker said...

Fun! Thanks. (still giggling)


21 Wits said...

Oh this was fun!

Mary said...

Perfection in a few words!

The Blog of Bee said...

Goodness you're clever.