
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Evil for Magpie Tales #123

Thanks to Tess Kincaid for her weekly image prompts...

black and white
touches of evil     
real to reel

♥     ♥     ♥

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Poem for Sunday Whirl #62

Thanks, Brenda, for the Sunday prompt.

Ghosting Smoke

the scent of jasmine unfurls,
whistles down old demons
voodoo traps those ample flaws
set free in her domain
and from a rear window
she spots the ghostly montage
where a flameless sunset burns
through the smoke of jasmine

♥     ♥     ♥ 

 The wordles:
 jasmine, granite, whistle, demons, domain, scrap, ample, trapped, montage, flawed, window, sunset 

* *

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Runaway for Sunday Whirl #61

Thanks, Brenda, for the Sunday Whirl Prompt.


drafting on the wings
of a discontented current
one day of exile
sundered free of cracks
from unbound tempers
or the trace of racket

early leaves dapple
to waft across her face
echoing today's peace
the latch string of song
opens its spare refrain
soothes tomorrow's fears

♥     ♥     ♥

My novel, Running with Scissors, is available
as print or PDF at Lulu Publishing and in e-book format at iTunes

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kabuki for Magpie Tales #122

Thanks, Tess Kincaid, for the image prompt!

Puddle, 1952, M. C. Escher


Cedar saplings
precise as tinkers toys
stretch from root strings
toward denim-tinted sky.

Satellites skip cracks of time
track in and out
compound chaos of the stars
light the way for nacred moons.

The chamber of tomorrow
waits on a groove of air
where stairs like Escher's
carry all that disappears.

♥     ♥     ♥

This poem was first published in 2007.

My novel, Running with Scissors, is available
as print or PDF at Lulu Publishing and in e-book format at iTunes

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Poem for Sunday Whirl #60

Thanks to Brenda at Sunday Whirl for the wordle prompt #60.

Beneath the Corona

a midsummer evening
trembles through the shadows
crawls around her shoulders

under the weeping willow
she brushes graying hair
plays in the vessel of her mind

seeks uneasy stains that
now and then rise as mud
but pierce like nails

she buffs edgy reflections
to rid her world of old stones


The words: bluffs, willow, corona, brush,  trembled, mud, crawl, vessels, nail, stain, shadows, stones

♥     ♥     ♥

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Still Life for Magpie Tales #121

Thanks to Tess Kincaid for the image prompt.

Still Life, 1670, detail by Jean François de Le Motte

one generation
secondhand paper and ink
still misunderstood

♥     ♥     ♥

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Poem for Sunday Whirl #59

Thanks to Brenda at Sunday Whirl for the following Wordle Prompt!

Crash of Seasons

a crumple of clouds
bruises the yearning sky
draws a single piercing burst
of glowing sunlight

summer crouches
distant yet near
a split-edge instant
chisels it from spring

green shoots rise
beat back the doldrums
greet the growing time
folding flannels, she smiles

♥     ♥     ♥

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Gerdes for Magpie Tales #120

Tess Kincaid offers the following image for writers' prompt.

image by Klaus Enrique Gerdes

garden stealth   
auntie oxidant's  
rise from earth

♥     ♥     ♥