
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hopper for Magpie Tales #119

Thanks again, Tess Kincaid, for another enigmatic image prompt.

House At Dusk, 1935, Edward Hopper

Once upon a story...

dead man tales
told from dust to dust
watchful eyes

♥     ♥     ♥


Brian Miller said...

sleep with one eye open
just in case.


Unknown said...

Those watchful eyes are just so creepy! Thank you for sharing this dusty tale, Tumblewords. =D

Gail said...

I think we all detected treachery and sadness in this picture.

Kathe W. said...

that house does have creepy watchful eyes

gautami tripathy said...

Love the way you do dark...


Little Nell said...

Creepiness nicely summed up!

Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil said...

How you managed to make Hopper, one of my fave artists, somewhat sinister, is quite the feat!

Very good answer to the prompt. Made me look at the little figures more closely... eerie! Amy

anthonynorth said...

An excellent touch of the malign in this.

Daydreamer said...

Spooky... I found the picture, dark, somber, lonely too.

Laurie Kolp said...

Succinct and thought-provoking as always, a treat to visit you.

R. Burnett Baker said...

I sense political intrigue in these few words!

Helen said...

I couldn't decide between spooky or happy place ... like where you went!

Lolamouse said...

Ooh, very mysterious.

Anonymous said...

i agree thatthere is something creepy going on here

Tess Kincaid said...

Watchful eyes adds a delicious chill...

Jinksy said...

Mmm...I think that house is definitely watching us through half closed, window-blind eyelids...

Anonymous said...

What a feeling this one has! I love it!
Thanks for introducing me to that painting. How have I not seen it before??

Berowne said...

From dusk to dust - story of our lives?

Geraldine said...

Excellent Sue. As always.

Hugs, G

and thank you for being the 1st at Amazon for my new book!

The Blog of Bee said...

Scrumptiously chilling!

Judy Roney said...

Short and oh so mysterious. More, more! :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely stunning. STUNNING. You are a wordsmith of the highest order!