
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Underwater for Magpie Tales #111

Thanks for the image prompt, Tess Kincaid!

image: ParkeHarrison


he sailed off the sand    
saving the shirt on his back
a winter of blame

♥     ♥     ♥


ninotaziz said...

This teaches me how much more I need to learn about constructing a haiku with impact.

Wow, Tumblewords!

Brian Miller said...

ha you def made me see this pic in a new light...def interesting take...

Maggie said...

Wow, what an interesting take, Tumblewords.

kaykuala said...

Things must have been a real challenge last winter!


Outlawyer said...

YEs, he does have a very repentant look, doesn't he! Great take on prompt. K.

Tess Kincaid said...

I love "a winter of blame"!

Anonymous said...

a winter of blame, that's a lot of blame...

Anonymous said...

Poor guy!

Lyn said...

I love the way you just sailed off with this..quite an impact!

Kathe W. said...

fascinating observation and haiku

Helen said...

Is that like 'going round the bend?' Very interesting ....

Jinksy said...

This floated my boat! LOL

rel said...

Spring sets him free.

Anonymous said...

those words speak mountains...

Linda said...

Wonderfully interesting magpie and an excellent haiku.