
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Aurora for Magpie Tales #105

Tess Kincaid of Magpie Tales offers this image as writers' prompt.

behind the beyond
aurora whispers to earth
...one lone listener

♥     ♥     ♥



Mmmmm, I love this. Beautiful. Would that more would listen.


Brian Miller said...

def sounds like the jump off point to a larger story...and you know if he tells anyone they will say he is crazy...smiles.

Charleen said...

I love it!

Laurie Kolp said...

I'd love to know more about that one lone listener...

Wander said...

I like this.


Lyn said...

I'm glad he's at such a good place..who would have known? Well, you did!

Unknown said...

Your haiku skirts the edges of so many myths and fables about the northern borealis. I am thinking of the stories as I write here. I love those whispers.... the music of the spheres. Thank you for sharing your wonderful haiku, Tumblewords.

Brigid O'Connor said...

Beautiful and wise:)

Anonymous said...

Not all have ears for this kind of message.

Lolamouse said...


Wayne Pitchko said...

i always like it when there is more to say......you said this nicely....thanks

Doctor FTSE said...

"Seti" via the phone now? Nice little Magpie.

rel said...

Thankfully he was there to answer.
A flat tire and who knows?

Anonymous said...

An evocative take on the prompt!

Dave King said...

Says it all. Perfect.

Jinksy said...

Aurora whispers...Mmmmm...Nice one.

~T~ said...

Ooh, very nice.

Friko said...

aurora in a phone booth, glorious.

Helen said...

This is just beautiful ...

Tess Kincaid said...

Love "behind the beyond"...

Steve Isaak said...

Great opening line - excellent follow-through.