
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

U for ABC Wednesday

ultracrepidate - to criticize beyond the sphere of one's knowledge
udometer - instrument for measuring rainfall

Am I the only one who notices the ultracrepidation that ripples across local newscasts and national punditry where everyone's a critic but most are far beyond their area of expertise? It seems like too much gravy for too few potatoes. Or too many backseat drivers. Or too many Monday morning quarterbacks.

Fortunately, winter has nearly released its hold so I'll spend time outdoors listening to the sweet call of birds and the hum of busy insects who have a valid plan instead of a mouth full of criticism.

Or, maybe not. It's raining again today. I think the udometer rusted.

Digital photo

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ariverflowsby said...

Where I come from
we call a rain gauge
a rain gauge.

Sorry. couldn't help myself.
It was just too tempting.

Rajesh said...

Very true. As long as they need not have to do stuff, they are critics.

Hildred said...

Great word, - sounds like the Peter Principle to me!

Paula said...

Thanks to your post, the sphere of my vocabulary has now increased!

Kathe W. said...

summer can not come too soon! and who knew what a rain gauge was really called!

Reader Wil said...

Two beautiful new words, which are however difficult to pronounce! Thanks for the explanation!
Have a great Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I will try to use both of these words tonight. I might even be able to get them in the same sentence, the way the weather has been center stage, lately.

MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...

Great words - great post. I love coming here and having my world expand. Thanks!

EG CameraGirl said...

Ultracrepidating is a pastime practiced by most politicians here in Canada. :)

Sylvia K said...

Terrific post for the U Day as always and I agree with EG, not sure about Canada, but definitely in the US ultracrepidating is practiced by politicians who continue to polish it on a daily basis! Have a great week!

ABC Team

Gigi Ann said...

Well who knew? I never knew. I guess to me a rain gauge is a rain gauge, but now I know a rain gauge is really a udometer.

Wanda said...

Boy we are on the same page here!!

Good post and use of the letter "U"

Kay L. Davies said...

Hey hey hey, U-do-meter, man!
Oops, sorry, just having one of those moments, after a bit of doing the other thing on a previous post (being critical beyond my sphere of knowledge).
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Joy said...

Love the wasp photo, which reminds me that I haven't seen many this year, lots of bees though.
The UK is divided at the moment into dry, not rained for months, in the south, and us in the north, rivers full, thinking we are lucky if it does not rain.

Roger Owen Green said...

ultracrepidate - GREAT word!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Carver said...

What a interesting word. I always enjoy your posts.

Rinkly Rimes said...

Hey! You used my word! And there was I thinking myself original!

photowannabe said...

I always learn something when I come to your blog. Terrific new words which I have never heard before. Thanks for expanding my vocabulary. I agree with the others comments about the politicans and their being critics without knowledge.

Leslie: said...

Lately I've been feeling "ultradecrepit" if there is such a word! lol Loved your post! Have a great week,

abcw team

Shady Gardener said...

Fun post. However, I don't think your rain gauge is broken... it's a case of wasps! ;-)

Ingrid said...

Sigh, could never remember such complicated words, lol !
ABC Team

Martha said...

I must agree with the ultracrepidation. Whatever is happening out there is far too complicated for any of us to understand. I'm fairly certain even those who should know likely don't. Definitely too much gravy.

nonizamboni said...

I couldn't wait to see what you'd come up with for U! Great choice and what an amazing capture [though I'm allergic, I'm in awe of their papermaking.]

Anonymous said...

You are so right about people in the media thinking just because they want to say it, they should. Guess it applied across the board to all walks of life as well. Perfect word for the day. Love your wasp photo too!

Maryhocam said...

I fully intend to use the word ultracrepidate at the earliest opportunity

Chubskulit Rose said...

It rained here yesterday but today is wayyy hottt.

"U" are invited to see the "U" at my page. Have a great evening.

jabblog said...

Ultracrepidate is definitely going straight into my vocabulary! The media is full of ultracrepidaters . . .

~T~ said...

What wonderful words to let tumble in the mouth!

Anonymous said...

"I think the udometer rusted"... a splendid irony. Excellent wordplay. Vb

Artsy said...

Yes, Susan, I notice and that's why I don't listen to the news very often. I read it to keep aware, but even then, I limit it. I'd much rather listen to nature.

Love, Love, LOVE, that you still are featuring words on your blog. Knew the second but not the first. I'm a word lover.

Your versatility in art medium is cool to see. So glad you're still blogging, as I've been away for several months.

BTW, you know me as "Gel", but I have begun a different blog for my artwork, using *gasp*, my real name and photo. I'm looking forward to you stopping by.

You can find me at Pretty Please "Like" the page so I can get my own url on Facebook

and my blog is now located here: ColourYourWorld typepad blog

In the future I will go back to writing poetry at my "SoulCryayons" blog, but there are no new posts there.

Take care!


Friko said...

I love your words and what you've done with them.

ultracrepidate, there's nothing like it. It's the thing an awful lot of people are extremely good at. I shall have to use it, tell somebody they are an excellent 'ultracepidator' - I bet they'd take it as a compliment.