
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tanka for Magpie Tales

Willow at Magpie Tales offers an enigmatic image to draw words from writers. This week:

black holes drawing in
mock-ups rimed by jagged rims
synapses splinter
shift about with passing time
fragments line the faulty trail

Willow image.
♥     ♥     ♥


Helen said...

This is beautifully composed ... and perfect with the photo.

eyeography said...

"fragments line the faulty trail"...
love it :)

Judy Roney said...

I feel splintered reading this. Short and powerful.

Madeleine Begun Kane said...

Enigmatic verse for an enigmatic photo. Well done.
Mad Kane

Aayushi Mehta said...

I love your interpretation of the photo.
"Synapses splinter
shift about with passing time"

Priyanka Bhowmick said...

beautiful wordings

Brigid O'Connor said...

Beautifully phrased with great power.

anthonynorth said...

Fragments, indeed. They're always there. Great words.

Harvee44 said...

Very nice response to the prompt.

Nanka said...

Well done and very cleverly too!! Each line is well thought and crafted!! Very apt for the image!!

Maggie said...

Your words are a perfect description of chaos that seems to be going on.

Paul C said...

I like 'synapses splinter' and the idea that there are times our lives don't hold together very well.

Kathe W. said...

excellent- love the line "fragments line the faulty trail"

Kristen Haskell said...

That is a nice tight poem that really works well with this photo!

Friko said...


RJ Clarken said...

The fragments and the puzzle pieces fit so well together in your work!

Everyday Goddess said...

disconnection, such a sad state. but what a good magpie!

Martin said...

Nice. The perfect form for this prompt.

Poetry24…where news is the Muse

Lyn said...

I can feel the movement, so spare and well done!

signed...bkm said...

"synapses splinter"...a line to move the earth....lovely and strong...bkm

Anonymous said...

This is lovely... You are such an amazing writer!

Louise said...

Sharp, very well written and beautiful.

Everydaythings said...

fantastic and yes, so perfect for the pic!

Tess Kincaid said...

This little piece packs quite a punch. Nice.

Rashmi said...

so aptly written..
Here is my Magpie,

Lolamouse said...

"Synapses splinter." Now that's an image! Nicely done!

Celestial Dreamz said...

ohh so much power crafted so brilliant in such less words! kudos!

Trellissimo said...

mock-ups rimed by jagged rims

I liked the rhythm of these words especially.

jabblog said...

'black holes drawing in' - very powerful image.

Suz said...

fabulous magpie
your words ring

Emily Young said...

I like that you chose things from science to create a feeling of distress - black holes, splintered synapses, etc. Very creative!

Reflections said...

Love the line 'fragments line the faulty trail', isn't that the truth for all of us, searching for our own fragments, piecing together our lives.

Rek Sesh said...

Beautiful words...splintered pieces recast can make a whole new universe..

Anonymous said...

Stunning imagery powered by wonderful words!!
A magnificent Tanka, Tumblewords..

LeAnn said...

Wonderful word-smithing!!

Sue J said...

Wonderful words express the prompt so well. Nice Magpie.

Unknown said...

you never disappoint
love " fragments/faulty trail"