I've used it as a catchall word for many types of grained ribbon so you can imagine my consternation when I was playing online Scrabble with a super smart granddaughter and maintaining a gargantuan loss when I saw the perfect play.
Grosgrain would combine with the g of a vertical word to horizontally cover two triple word squares plus clearing my tray. A gigantic score! But, the program rejected grosgrain as a word. I Googled it. There it was in all its splendor. I tried unsuccessfully to play it three or four times before I stamped my foot and used a lower scoring word.
I'll never forget being bested by a distant programmer who didn't know grosgrain or maybe she was fully cognizant and was just playing games with my head. Even so, I lost another round which is not unusual when I play against that grandgirl.
Do you recognize grosgrain?
G was formed in Escape Motions.
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