
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Friday, February 29, 2008

Night Painting

Poefusion Friday 5 offers string, vinegar, dilated, mural and kempt for the writer's muse. Others' responses can be found at the site.


on this Van Gogh night
a dilated moon on a string
lines a transient mural
across the bruise-purple sky

a gold shade of vinegar
in a shallow black bowl
lures diminutive flies
from the dark to their
death in a freeform design

poorly kempt firs pierce
cracks in the somber light
drop similar dark shapes
before the rising sun's glaze


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Camera Eyes Two Mice

This Pleiades poem was written in response to the Send a Message prompt from Totally Optional Prompts.

News: Hubble Telescope photographs two spiral galaxies, members of the Coma Cluster, known as The Mice.


conjunct galaxies whirl
cosmic tails twirl and reach
curl away from Coma
collide once again, then
cluster at the first light ~
collection on the move
crafts a skybound message


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Odyssey Brief

Today's 3 Word Wednesday prompt contains the following words: apology, distant, consider. As always, Bone does a great job of choosing words which stimulate the muse. Visit the site to see how others responded to this prompt!


when his apology,
emotionally distant,
arrives at your door
in the guise of a horse
...consider its source


Fractal Created in Apophysis

Monday, February 25, 2008


For Heads or Tails prompt: Wonder or Wander. This piece could probably be considered for either.


I wish them gone
and yet they stay
to remind me of
those other days

lines deep upon
my face
stitch my skin
as if to sew
firmly to my soul.

If I erased them
from my face
would other memories
take their place?


Taste of Warm

My post for Passion, prompted by Sunday Scribblings.

I ache to swallow summer
without paring or pitting
hold it inside warm and rich
while winter
slings shards of ice
frigid wind rises in the night
moans through canyons
like the cry of a loon
vibrating mountain-tall pines
with threat
wild enough to crack my bones,
when grey eats the sun and moon
clothing knots my easy walk
I want to swallow summer whole.

Digital Photo by Sue

Sunday, February 24, 2008


linen sheets
thin wavy dark lines
drawing love

anger expelled
a spill of black ink
reduced to ashes

mortar and pestle
paper, ink stick and water
the day disappears

This is the end of the road for One Deep Breath. Sorry to see it go as it has been a fine and valuable site.

Unconscious Mutterings 264

Unconscious Mutterings posts the new prompt for this week - check out the website, see what others have responded and join in. It's fine fun! These tickler words surprise me every time.

  1. Protocol :: sop ~ standard operating procedure

  2. Girlfriends :: them

  3. Shoulders :: weighted

  4. Coming home :: sunshine

  5. Let it in :: imagination

  6. Honor :: distant

  7. Tyler :: Mary

  8. Thriller :: Hitchcock

  9. Angela :: Lansbury

  10. The winner is :: a stranger

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Poem ~ Friday5

The prompt words for Poefusion's Friday5 are: crow, scud, inflicted, agitation, margin. Thanks for the prompt, Michelle!

cackling crows dropped
shadows ahead of
the scudding clouds,
inflicted agitation,

tiny barn swallows
skip-hopped over those
black doppelgangers,
with no margin for error

Friday, February 22, 2008


probing each layer I peel my sins,
disrobing as if it were my body
remove timeworn transgressions
fold them neatly in special bins

stripped to innocent newness
awkward within my skin
I dress in faultless clothing
to acquire fresh and novel sins.

Second Chance is the prompt from Writers Island.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pale Paintings

The letter P, is the prompt by Heads and Tails. It seems appropriate to write a Pleiades Poem. I first learned this format in Michelle's Poefusion.

palettes filled with color
painterly fine brushes
pines pure white for models
palm trees inside my mind
patient with dormancy
paradise yearns for spring
palettes pointless in snow

From the Dark

Totally Optional Prompt for today: Romance. In lieu of romance, for which I have little talent, I offer this 'almost' American Sentence...which may explain why.

By the time I learned the difference between martial and marital, there was none.

And an uncategorized poem:

From the Dark

when good things go
on arms of cold wind
sandbars hold old slivers
driftwood on the ebb

smoke falls downhill
greets the fog's new rising
nuzzles gray clustered rubble
astride the urn of terror

dawn drives the dark away
three-quarters of a walk
from the land of Incas
where good things went

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

3WW Fibonacci

3WordWednesday offers punch, t-shirt and unravel as the prompt for this day. Moderator Bone does a fine job of combining words...

Notice the hearts? I learned this from Skittles.

My fibonnaci follows:

punch ~
clung to skin
slyly suggesting
a new wet t-shirt contestant
rather than a timid girl about to unravel

Click here to create your own painting.

Another fun thing to do when it's not Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Words Rise

Words have always fascinated me - 3 years of Latin increased that level.

Lately, I've wondered about the use of words by disparate groups and the accusations of plagiarism about very familiar phrases from other times.

Blogging through a variety of memes, I find that a specific topic frequently uncovers the use of very similar, if not the same, words and phrases in posts by participating bloggers.

Interesting? To me, it is... These words are from Unconscious Mutterings, a rather fun meme I just discovered. Apparently, it's been going on for quite some time without me. :) I'm anxious to find out what others responded to the prompts.

  1. Passport :: Too late
  2. Small world :: Disneyland
  3. Radio :: Music
  4. Marine :: War
  5. Wall :: Separated
  6. Wanna be :: Farce
  7. Pigtails :: Freckles
  8. Hyphen :: Long
  9. 9.99 :: Ten bucks plus
  10. Unrated :: Tacky

Quick think, link from Unconscious Mutterings Meme

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Night Site

Idling on a noble yacht
hot on sandman’s heels
I bask in southern sunlight
that slides from a cobalt sky,
count colorful birds on the wing

massaged with tropical oils
before a skin-soothing tub,
nurtured by Epicurean delights
then, gentled into a bedtime nest
of sensuous satin and silk.

Morning draws gray reality
overfull of implausible piffle
until I yearn for darkness
and stressless sanity spawned
in nighttime travels.

Sleep prompted by Sunday Scribblings

Time Travel

stumble beyond the halfway
slowing to minimum speed
somewhere dead ahead
of the second dawn

I find my wanderlust
broken down to wanderrust
and judge it's no disgrace
to avoid the human race ~

surging anywhere it isn't,
I'm not greatly motivated
by traveling for its own sake
to see things first or twice

but that old Wells machine
does crank my yearn
to scrap midlife routine

Time Travel is the prompt from Writers Island

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Someone Moved the Ends

Michelle at Poefusion Friday 5 posts these words for the weekly prompt: skew, foreign, arithmetic, wailing, travel

as part of a video clip
the foreign affairs yob
plunked aboard the carrier
astride a new parchute strap

with a skew of arithmetic
he began vain wailing
for all to see and hear
the mission was complete

his claim began its travel
in one year and out the other
circled round the globe
but never came to pass

Happy Valentine's Day!

Letter to the Editor 2

Letter to the Editor - in poem format - is the prompt issued by Totally Optional Prompts.

You might have access to better print papers than I do. If so, consider yourself lucky. If not...you may send this to your local editor.

Deer Editur

who rights you're headlins
who decides on whats noos

why dont' we reed of
govermunt gawn wild

but reed to much
of speers and steeroids

pleese print some reel truth
dont' need you're opinyun

and when will you lurn to spell
so I can reed what you right

a reeder

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I Can't Not Rant

It's a time of learning.

The smaller-government folks are making laws against civilians and ramping up protection for theirs and their ilk while sowing dragons' teeth and studying athletes' steroidal addiction.

Our state, alone, has the dubious honor of an airport staller (his tapping was heard round the world), a man (who has been likened to a fern) of dubious comport whose computer dials random phones at dusk, one who yearns to make it illegal to coerce a woman into having an abortion, and another electee who'd like to see milk named our state drink. Still another advocates a yellow sticker on auto license plates of those who DUI'd. Not the leading sinners, of course, but the regular drunks. There are those who've decided to fill in part of the small lake in order to make a scenic road wider and speed-friendly.

Government is like crabgrass pushing its way through any tiny crack. Taxes grow, expenses are out the door, the deficit is out of sight and the only smaller things I see are my social security check, dividends and freedom.

I heard the leader of this particular brand announce, in his inimitable fashion, that we should be wary of letting 'the others' gain the White House because THEY would threaten our peace and prosperity. I had massive wtf eye jerk there.

It's a time of learning, all right, but those in power must be using brain stiffeners.


A disclaimer: I don't know him, I don't know her - the Three Word Wednesday prompt words popped up, fell out and here they're written in a mild haiku format.


seeking slight comfort
imagined his old girlfriend
missing their past


his slight ex-girlfriend
seeking shells on Sanibel
imagined him ~ not

Fractal by Fractal Explorer, resized in IrfanView

Monday, February 11, 2008

Love 'ku

fresh yellow crocus
one white woolly bouncy lamb
farmer's springtime smile


spring jaunt to the lake
giggling family fireside
no sign of brown bats


steaks on the barbie
salad and a side of wine
strawberry shortcake


bare feet
long johns ditched
open doors


Love is the prompt given today by One Deep Breath

Fridge Space

snow falls higher
than my shoulder blades
buries sprawling sumac
cold seeps indoors
utility meter spins but
heat hides til summer

when frosting in my space
is too nasty to bear
I prop open the fridge door
bask in warmer air

Sunday Scribblings prompt

Yes, I'm still whining about winter. For no good reason.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Synchronized Swimming

Cascade rivers overflow
cross the valley floor
with fluidity of wind
merge into Pacific shores
whalesong fills the sea
where a frenzy of flukes
twirl deep gray with half
a shade from indigo,
rocking flimsy water craft
tourists don eye extenders
and spout winners' words ~
unearth a primal age

Cypress, a watercolor sketch by Sue..Post #300 on this blog.
Poefusion Friday 5 prompt: synchronized swimming, fluidity, whalesong, age

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Star-crossed and Coupled

out behind a barn
naked in its muddy field
death six feet away

she curled tight against
shadows from a rounded moon
her breathing shallow

gray and weak she tranced
traced movies of first desire
before that mellow

glow of young lovers
star-crossed and coupled to fate
turned the curve to hate

Totally Optional Prompt: Mystery/Thriller Poem

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Once Upon a Rain

disturbed water
bridges one bank
and its greener
grassy other side
at the chill rain

still the ripples
encroach upon
the early calm
and pushy dancing
circles spin against
the rocky shore

Three Word Wednesday prompt words: disturbed, still and bridge
Abstract watercolor by Sue with rain drops by IrfanView

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Snow, snow and snow

These photos were taken January 31. Another 1/2 foot of snow is due tonight and another storm due before and during the coming weekend. By the time this posts, we will have a record year of snow and have been declared an emergency area. I keep breathing in hopes of keeping my roof from collapsing. Grin. What a year. Come on, spring!

At the Gap

borne by chuffing wind
chariots of mad folly

tongue hot air
disguised as loyalty

cut short paradise by
tugging at the reins

infinity turns its back
lets the gods off the hook

Fractal created in Fractal Explorer, Edited in IrfanView

Saturday, February 02, 2008


A curious toddler
guides us to a weedy stem
he wants me to pull
from the fall-dry soil.

I point out its brown pips
that spring will warm
to wrap this barren stick
in purple blooms.

He reads my face
in disbelief, then shrugs
before he moves on
toward the next question.

After he goes home
I return to that brittle stalk
shake my head in wonder.
There's no way

that unbending twig can
produce lavender next year,
no way...
Spring shines on tiny buds.

Digital Photo by Sue

Writers Island prompts with Magic

Friday, February 01, 2008

tongue and ink

toxic black etchings
draw false over not,
verbal tsunamis flood
the deepest of vaults,
erase templates
of minions and
on wings of the wind
pull tight the frail lines
of fracture...erasing
the cloth of light

Response for Sunday Scribblings

February Fib

Fibonacci poem for response to the Poefusion Friday 5 Prompt: crack, brunt, pit, discards, key


crack ~
the seed
bears the brunt
keen cherry pitter
discards none of the juicy flesh
that's her key to a flawlessly prepared red fruit pie


North of Summer, A Decade of Poetry is available at Lulu Publishing