kicks away
early hours and
repulsive boss
smiles often
Actually, this could happen. A person could give up honest labor to post one blog a day and write a novel. In fact, both these events could occur in November. Makes one yearn for a repulsive boss and earlier hours.
Good luck to all NaBloPoMo and NaNoWriMo participants. May your pens stay at the ready and may your papers not blow away.
Fractal created in Fractal Explorer.
Prompt from Totally Optional Prompts: Worknanowrimo
Oh I like this.......especially the willowy! Good luck with your Nano.
I started writing for NaNo. I don't know how long I will last!
A post a day is fun!
Your poems always are a treat.
how true - I must try it!
there is nothing quite like the privilege of having more time off than i have at work,, and still feeling financially aloft.. i can write to my hearts content,, and i i believe i will never be truly sated...
When the worker is the boss two things must be added that once subtracted. Smiles and sneers. btw, I always enjoy your contributions.
very nice. short and to the point!
Oh! If only . . .
How much fun would it be to have the luxory of writing and posting every day. Well, that's what wishes are for.
If not. Why not. Work. Not. Short and sweet!
If only Ihad the time! Never mind, I retire in 5 years time. Then I'll have all the time in the world.
that one was a lot of fun. i think it happens all the time ;-)
Good and succinct!
Your poem made me smile. Thanks for the NaNo encouragement, good luck to you!
This has the compressed immediacy of newspaper headlines. Very effective.
Good luck on NaNo. This year I'm doing it. So far so good.
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