pacing man
recognizes cry
primal response to newborn son
gift shop volunteers
candy stripers
cheerful buffers
daughter retrieves
repaired mother from the orderly
executes chair wheelies

Fractal and Digital Photo merged and processed.
Prompt, Hospital, from Sunday Scribblings

your concise images bring pictures to my mind
lovely as always...
amazing how much you tell with so little words. Beautiful.
Thanks for visiting
A nice slice of hospital pie in all the fun flavors.
lots of imaginary, another great poem
How beautiful -nostalgic too..thank you.
Beautiful stories, all three. You always amaze me with your ability to convey so much with so few words. Maybe I should cease being amazed by you and just be in awe.
Each word is worth a thousand images! Awesome art too. Thanks for sharing.
Your first stanza brought back vivid memories of Knowing it was MY sons cry I heard down the hall in the nursery.
Your words convey the essence of TLC.
Your poems are always so great!
So few words, such vivid portraits.
Great stuff Sue.
Thanks for your comment. It appears you are from Coeur d'Alene. My dad grew up in Spokane and on trips there to see my grandmother, we used to "drive over" to Coeur d'Alene sometimes. It always sounded so romantic -- I guess it is a romantic name!
This is so sparse yet so evocative. So well done.
Very good poem and great art!
Totally awesome last stanza & the picture - superb.
Thanks for visiting,
Simply lovely. I agree with forgetfulone... your poems are always wonderful.
Very good. Your posts are always a pleasure to read.
Very nice. Made me smile.
I like the image of the chair wheelies!
Nice to see some happy images from hospitals. I esp. liked chair wheelies, too.
Yes, those seem to be some of the images one sees at hospitals. Some are beautiful and touching, others touching but a lot sadder.
Beautiful, so real, so true and all said with such simplicity, wonderful, Thank YOU!
These seem to be typical hospital scenes. Nice write!
I agree with Sonya, with so few words, you manage to create vividly clear images.
I very much enjoyed both the poem and the photo. I'm trying to learn how to manipulate my photos on photoshop but still haven't gotten very far.
Very well-written. I like your stream-of-consciousness style.
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