feathered ghosts
float over mangroves
white egrets
The Morning Bird Rises, Original Watercolor
'Haunted' Prompt by Writers Islandpoetry watercolor
feathered ghosts
float over mangroves
white egrets
The Morning Bird Rises, Original Watercolor
'Haunted' Prompt by Writers Islandpoetry watercolor
Spookily lovely. The painting is wonderful too.
beautiful painting and words.
Your paintings are unique. I love the greens in this one. What is your technique? It looks very thick...
I can never get water colors to look like that! Amazing!
Wonderful haikus for the season :o)
Instantly I saw the egrets!
You choose the perfect words to paint word pictures.
Your paintings always inspire me.
One day I may paint again.
omigod, my jaw just DROPPED. No kidding.
So much power in so few words. You are multi talented I see. Nice painting.
Lovely watercolor, beautiful poem, makes the painting alive or haunted in this case :) Thanks for sharing.
How do you do it? Minimalist perfection!
powerful work choice... and I love the art.
Oh that is lovely indeed, feathered ghosts. The painting is beautiful as well, and complements the poem perfectly.
I read it thrice! feathered ghosts is superb.Love the way the brilliant light seems to be shining through in the picture.
I love the haiku and your watercolors (or aquarels as we call them) are stunning!
Small and perfect - beautifully chosen words. I love the art too. Sorry this is so late- my server has been down.
I like the ides of feathered ghosts..
tes indeed
very lovely
The short verse enhances the haunted feeling.
A most enchanting 'haiku moment' to experience. ^_^ And your skill in the visual arts is so impressive! Such detail expressed through watercolor.
Lovely image. I can see the egret drifting silently through the air like a ghost ...
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