useless as a bruise
topknot flops, dark feather falls
misplaced bluejay raps
at the kitchen window pane
hunting cheap fast-food dining
Digital Photo by Sue
3WordWednesday Prompt: useless, misplaced, feather
North of Summer available at Lulu Publishing

Right now my little boy's admiring your spider's web; seconds ago I was admiring your tanka! Lovely work.
Like the opening line. It starts off one way and then ends up as dinner.
i agree with rose - not what i had expected.
The poor bluejay :)
Loved the flow
Superb rhythm and flow. Loved it.
I love the jauntiness of the flow... almost like skipping along... and I learned about Tanka! I may try my hand at it.
Very nice!
(and thank you for your lovely compliment as well)
Yes, this was lovely! I especially love the fist line. Thank you for sharing it with us!
I love the first line! Actually, I love the whole poem. But I especially love the first line.
Loved the way this read, Susan.
ahhhhh tell the blue jay to go eat than nasty spider!!!!!! ahhhhhh
A very unexpected ending! Great web!
fast food for even a bird...hope he got to order his favorites...:)
I loved the play of words in your Tanka, thanks.
I simply love the thought and picture of a bluejay. They are so beautiful, and rare around here.
And again I learn something new here: a Tanka :)
You make the Tanka seem effortless. I really enjoyed your imagery here, as always. You are a brilliant mind. Keep up the good work.
If you are interested, I have my 3WW poem up.
Have a nice night.
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