
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


hard yellow daylight
dropped in her window
harsh wind barked at the roof
tones of irritants rang bells
buzzed out their warning ~
each man she conjures
out of the morning glow
becomes a midnight stranger

Fractal created in Fractal Explorer, edited in IrfanView
This post comes the 'Stranger' prompt by Writers Island


Rambler said...

each man she conjures
out of the morning glow

I could picture her so well.
thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

How nice... loved the image that came with it.

J C said...

I like this! Seemed like I was right there next to her.

Jo said...

a wonderful write....such lovely images.

Lucy R. E. said...

i've been away from the island for a bit and i've missed your poems. glad they're still lovely as always :)

Beau Brackish said...

Very dreamlike imagery. I love it! I hope her glowing morning wishes and a less cold reality find a way to intersect.

Marja said...

Beautiful words about a harsh reality about loveless encounters

Clare said...

This is wonderful and powerful! I love the intensity of it from words like "hard, dropped, harsh, barked, tones, irritants, buzzed, and warning". And the last line was fantastic how it starts out soft and gentle and turns into something harsher like a stranger. Your fractal totally blew me away -- what an incredible face -- otherworldly and so expressive! It's really beautiful.

Mary Timme said...

I loved the poem and the fractel 'potrait!' Both were astoningingly good! At least to me.

Keith's Ramblings said...

To say so much with so few words is tallent indeed. Loved it.

Greggo said...

the flow of words and the imagery are amazing. great poem!

rel said...

How straight forward your poem shows two sides to the coin of imagination!

wendy said...

The last line is very brave and honest and real..

I love strong women writing without the "expected" sentiment.

Anonymous said...

i love the visual this brings

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

She should listen to her mother, who, I am sure, taught her never to talk to strangers....

Fun post, and I love your fractals!

Deb said...

It seems (to me) you've been creating some sparse poems with amazing depth. (Or is this my imagination?) I like the times of day--the different light--and sensual details.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm.... as usual, lovely work. I am quite in awe of what you do with words. :)

Anonymous said...

Form & content work well here. Concentrating content within a short poem is always a challenge.

Cherie said...

Sooo short, so poignant, so sad, Thank You!

Anonymous said...

a short poem bursting with imagery ... lovely and powerful at the same time

Robin said...

An excellent poem, packed full of such strong images. The way she conjures lovers reminds me of Helen Reddy's "Angie Baby".

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

"tones of iritants"

love the depths of this phrase!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Very cool -- and deep, indeed. I'm pretty fascinated by this.

Thanks for stopping by; I hope you'll come back more often!

JP (mom) said...

Wonderful, intense imagery in this poem. Brilliant! JP/deb

Lucy said...

now THIS is poetry! great post. :)

little wing writer said...

your writing is so lovely...

Anonymous said...

Hmm...so good. I love the last three lines. And the picture is so intriguing. Fantastic!