Poefusion today presents these five words: pinion, mizzle, bloodshot, gypsy, thirsty. In a fit of overwriting exuberance, I attempted to use all five. Sigh.
near the end of the ides
a bloodshot sunset dropped
down the hollow, mizzle
dulled the gypsy soul now
thirsty for love and weary
of the intractable pinion
birthed at the black moon
autumn forged a heady brew
carried angst to light,
set her spirit free

Fractal created in Fractal Explorer, altered in IrfanView.
North of Summer, A Decade of Poetry is available at my bookstore at Lulu Publishing

This was GREAT! I even learned a new word, ides. There's such a contrast between the poem and the picture. I think autumn/ Halloween with the poem and summer/ rainbows with the picture. I love it. Keep up the good work and thanks for stopping by Poefusion and trying out my prompt.
Have a nice night.
And you write, write, write :) and each one is so beautiful. This has a wonderful movement....like the spirit moving to light. The first stanza is divine, as is 'carried angst to light'.
Hi Tumblewords! I thought you might like to know that my Friday 5 is available at Poefiti. It's called Genocide.
Have a nice night.
i feel a sense of rebirth with this... a renewal if spirit and life....
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