
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Message in a Bottle

Writer's Island Prompt for today...

chiming like a sailer's bell
a sea glass bottle
tumbled through the tide

screw top bottle
not the cork of an elite
was salt-sealed tight

an odd natal chart wrapped
a tiny parchment paper
bearing an astrologer's stamp

startling aspects in your chart
send money for the news ~
no return address

Tide Pool, a fractal created in Fractal Explorer

Feel free to visit my Photo Gallery at Better Photo


paisley said...

spammed by the sea!!!!!!

Marja said...

Even if the bottle doesn't have the cork of an elite this poem has.
Very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

"an odd natal chart wrapped
a tiny parchment paper
bearing an astrologer's stamp"

Now, that is something I would like to find..


J. S. Clawson said...

A chance find.........send money! :-) LOL......I'm still smiling, thanks, I needed that!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful language - the opening stanza is gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

I love the imagery in your words - what an intriguing little mystery from the sea!

Jo said...

Oh this is very clever......and so beautifully put. That first stanza is gorgeous, but then they all are. You have really caught it all here.

JP (mom) said...

Love the poem and fractal to match! The movement and imagery in your words is wonderful! Peace, JP/deb

Preeti Shenoy said...

"Send money for the news"
That line set me thinking.
Loved the Tide pool.

Anonymous said...

'no return address' ahh, that's always the case in relation to money - this was sooo cool. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I really like the srew top bottle sealed with salt- very realistic and humorous.

The mesage too shows a sense of humor.

Nice poem!

Anonymous said...

Junk mail in a bottle? Sure, why not. Great poem.

Gilson said...

Oh, this is funny indeed! I love the creative touch put into this.

Pam Aries said...

Haha! THis is a different spin on the old message bottle! I enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by!!!

Head Cookie said...

very nicely done

Cherie said...

Beautiful poetry, Thank You!

Anonymous said...

This is great!! It really makes you read it slowly so that you can savor the words and understand the story