Prompt words from 3WW: field, second, hide. Three haiku.
second sharp-shinned hawk
spins circles above the field
feral kittens hide
pickers hide
field of glads blooming
second time
seconds hide
in minutes of hours
field of days
Clock image is a combined digital photo and fractalpoems and digital photos
Very clever how you used each word in each stanza.
I especially like the hawks and feral kittens.
The imagery in your poem is great... it's rich, yet pithy! Thanks for stopping by earlier!!
I was just coming in here to say what Christine said. I liked that you used the 3 words in all 3 haikus!
i love how you did these
the final one is my favourite
Lovely! I especially like the feel of the third one.
Mad Kane
The first is sharp
The second beautiful
and the third pure expressive
The image is so lovely
How superb. You make a haiku sound so simple, yet I wouldnt dare to attempt because it sounds so difficult. ..lovely piece!
i have lost two cats in the last year to hawk,, mountain lions,, whatever i don't know... but i am wishing the survival of the fittest would quit using my pets for food!!!!!
I agree with ul. I have written a sparse amount of haikus in my time and love the challenge, but you make it look so easy! Beautiful, flows nicely, very visual. Great job! :o)
So few words to achieve such visual splendour. You are a haiku master (mistress GRIN).
Beautiful words expressing different aspects of life. I especially like the first one. Keep up the good work.
Have a nice day.
I especially like the first haiku with the kittens and the hawk. (And I agree there are some good guys in the sports world.)
Oooh, alliteration in the first!
seconds hide
in minutes of hours
field of days
Nice. Very nice.
The first is vivid (and makes me fear for the kittens!)
The third still has me thinking.
As always, simple, beautiful, and perfectly put. And you always get me thinking!
I especially like the third poem
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