
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Monday, October 01, 2007


"I never play the television. It's a curse, you know, television." -- Peter Jennings

I leave the plight of man
mute in Cyclops’ box,

flee across deep water
that binds peaks together
watch in grateful silence
where autumn on a string
drags shapely shadows
through ungroomed pines
shrugging off a zephyrs’ breath,
comb-tooth clouds part the sky,
aircraft blink a low-flung sun
to cast unanswered code.

The ferry comes to take me home.
Still a little bit shy of bliss
I sigh and wave it on.

Bliss, original watercolor by Sue
Journey ~ Prompt by
Writers' Island
My Abstract Art Gallery


Forgetfulone said...

Thanks for visiting my blog to read my thoughts on power. I have enjoyed reading your poetry. And the artwork is superb!

Rambler said...

I so wanted you to go on, not wave it on :)
very nice words.

Lea said...

"autumn on a string" I am pulled into your word and art and find myself far from the city, and into the wilds of autumn, so beautiful!

Mamacita Chilena said...

I couldn't help but notice you have Chopin's Nocturnes in some of your favorite music. I LOVE Chopin and spent a long time learning to play as much of his music as possible on the piano :)

Marja said...

Very lovely. Yu have an amazing way with words like shapely shadows and low-flung sun.

Annie Jeffries said...

Love the first two lines and then how imagination takes flight.

Lucy R. E. said...

"shrugging off a zephyrs' breath"

i'm starting to feel like a broken record: just lovely.
makes me wish i had a little rugged autumn escape planned.

Jo said...

This is lovely....and coincidentally we're both fleeing across water this week!

Anonymous said...

Love the concept of natural television versus being inside.

Your watercolor is stunning.



Anonymous said...

"shrugging off a zephyrs’ breath,
comb-tooth clouds part the sky,"

I can't do either with your poetry. Just too beautiful...

paisley said...

lend me please the passage then
if the ferry you are not to ride
as home is where i long to go
i've waved it off too long.....

mks said...

You poetry and artwork are wonderful and I love that quote by Peter Jennings!

Robin said...

I loved this best of all:

I leave the plight of man
mute in Cyclops’ box

And your art is just beautiful. It makes me long to return to the Pacific Northwest. I miss the water and the green.

writerwoman said...

This is a lovely line

Still a little bit shy of bliss.

Anonymous said...

Your poem reminds me of flying in a dream. Very nice.

Mary Timme said...

I'm left wondering. . . and that is a good thing!

Cassiopeia Rises said...

What a lovely watercolor and your words paint it's meaning.


I am so late in thanking you and all who read my work. Always remember that I try to read everyones work.
You are such gifted poets and artists.

lissa said...

I like the last two lines : Still a little bit shy of bliss; I sigh and wave it on.

So well put.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

I'm with lea: "autumn on a string/ dragging...shadows" is an awesome image. As for bliss, I say, "bring it on!"

Thanks for stopping to visit!

UL said...

Such a lovely piece, and the subject "Runaway" so appropriate. Thanks fr sharing.

jillypoet said...

This poem speaks of longing, which you make clear at the end. I really like the turn at the end! And I'm with everyone else, "autumn on a string" is a great image! A "wish I'd thought of it" line!

Steve said...

I am gobsmacked !

Beau Brackish said...

Sounds like a lovely journey. To leave the noise behind to go dancing across the water. Ahh.. paradise!

Anonymous said...

My favorite watercolor so far. I love the last stanza.

Anonymous said...

The watercolor, the sentiments and your words are all lovely. Nature is far more interesting, and infinitely more beautiful, than anything to be found on the nightly news.

Anonymous said...

It's just perfect ... the way the words flow and set a picture in my mind which then is reinforced by the artwork ... superbe!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful journey in both words and watercolor.

Holly Mac said...

What a great quote to start with and what a lovely journey!

Anonymous said...

"Still a little shy of bliss
I wave it on."

Beautiful and sadly true. Maybe someday we will all get a little tipsy on life and drum up some liquid courage. Then I'm sure we'll all get on with Bliss like a house on fire.

Dan said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind words. The verse is transporting and the watercolor the perfect compliment. It must be difficult for you to decide which canvas to paint each day!

Anonymous said...

A neat little paean to engagement with the natural world. Some fine imagery supporting it.