
Fractals Photos Poetry Prose Watercolor

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

V for ABC Wednesday


V is for Robot

I have a vacuum.
His name is Hey, You!
Like an unsociable cat
he circles behind my back
gives me wide berth
sweeps up dusty corners
and wanders under the bed.
Sometimes, for fun
when he comes round
I move aside
to watch him clean.
'Good Job, Hey,You!' I say.
It's the least I can do!

The battery gave out on my red iRoomba vacuum a couple of weeks ago and I whined. My oldest granddaughter asked, 'How long have you had it?' 'Not very,' cried I.

But I checked. It's been over three years since I Amazon-ordered it. Smiling, I ordered a new battery so Hey,You can resume his chores. It'll be three more years before I whine again. And there'll be a few more months to come up with the next V.

Ain't love grand?

Fractal image was created in Fractal Explorer and resized in Irfanview.



Janie said...

That's a fun little poem to go with your robot vacuum. I want one of those!

SandyCarlson said...

Love is grand; love is mighty. I am glad your love has got the power!

Sylvia K said...

Great poem and I want one of those robot vacuums, too!



Irene said...

Great smiles.

My brother has one like it.

magiceye said...

:) lovely! loved the lilt right through!

Carol said...

Made me smile!....cute title too...Vibrant fractal image

George S Batty said...

hey you is a lovely name for a vacuum. nice writing

Tania said...

I want one of these too!;-)
Have a nice day!

Rune Eide said...

Sometimes I feel my head is vacuum only - so am I a robot without a battery? :-)

anthonynorth said...

That was an excellent, and fun, take.

Reader Wil said...

I also want a Hey You in my house right now!!! Nice and funny poem!

Rose said...

This is so funny, Sue:) When these vacuums first came out, I wanted one so badly. Now I'm not so sure it's a good idea--I can just imagine Sophie, our Golden Retriever, chasing it around all day. Of course, that would give her some extra exercise...

Joy said...

The ideal pet, and only needs feeding with a battery. Love the vibrant fractal.

Roger Owen Green said...

My father-in-law has one. I'd take one.

penny said...

Hey you, now that's really cute. I think I shall use it for my vacuum and see if it wanders about by itself.

Ingrid said...

Very cute ! now there are vacuums which wander by themselves, and you can read a book meanwhile !

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Looks like you Hey You makes your vacuuming a great time, not a chore like me with my big brown ugly Kambrook

dianasfaria.com said...

neat fractal image! I wish I had a robot like yours-I'm glad all it needed was a battery!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

It kinda sounds like a fun and functional thing to have, this Hey you!

jabblog said...

Great fun poem! Our first roomba was called Felicity - it suited her fussy character. We call the current one Veronica - she's a little more serious and grown-up ;-)

Dragonstar said...

I gather you rather like the roomba! A great, fun post, and your fractal is stunning.

Mad Kane said...

Fun poem! I want one of those too!

poefusion said...

my vacuum is in desperate need of a sweeper bag. when i get it though i'll have no excuse for not sweeping, ugh.

Jay said...

Wow, you have a Roomba? I've wondered about them, but I'm guessing my dog would HATE it! LOL!

Beverley Baird said...

Great V item! Never had one of these vacuums! Good name for it.

Stan Ski said...

Laughing as I read, as I sweep, as I clean...