Quintessential Questions?
Last week I watched a most amazing thirty-six minute video by Fora TV in which the Swedish database programmer described information available on Google. Fascinating speech. Boggling and mind stretching.
'Data visualizations for a changing world:
The Google Public Data Explorer makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand. You don't have to be a data expert to navigate between different views, make your own comparisons, and share your findings.' - Google
Drill down by category in this database to find answers to questions you might not have considered. The information is readily available if you choose to investigate the why and wherefore of facts relative to each category. Play around with drop down dialog boxes to compare changing graphs/lines by years, countries and other parameters.
I spent quite some time looking at the database and plan to return as soon as other questions arise. I question, though, that it will answer every one. What is your question that might be answered by the Google Data Explorer?
Fractal image.
♥ ♥ ♥
Such an interesting and informative post for the Q day -- but, of course, I find all of your posts interesting and informative! Google is pretty awesome as far as the information that it makes available to so many. Thanks for the info and I hope your week is going well! Enjoy!
Thank you for the information. When my brain unclutters abit I will take a look at the site.
I'm always amazed by the scope of info.
i always wondered why the world spins in a certain direction...who started it and when... good stuff tumbleword...
Google IS great but one needs to know how to use it. Good post.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Interesting and very informative post. Happy Wednesday!
ABC Wednesday~Q
Google has a good spot in my life - incredible how much can be learned from simple questions, - will go and watch the video you mention, and thank you for posting this information.
Quite an interesting post! Thanks for the info!
My only problem is that it's all too clever for me!I just view it all as my 'toy' and click away like a child!
The answers are out there... with google
Very clever & thought provoking Q. I'm afraid the data sets listed when I linked seemed like downers. I'll stick to having my quint. q's answered on Google search.
I found a rewarding Mother's Day poem doing just that...The Lanyard by Billy Collins.
If in doubt - Google!
Don't try to remember it - Google it!
what a great word!
Mine is here
Happy Sensational Wednesday!
I've never looked into Google Data. Next time I have a question, maybe I should!
Just reinforces my opinion that, Google knows EVERYTHING! Can't wait to take a look at the site.
Sometimes the search for information is more interesting than the answer. Hurray for Google and the search engine.
Compelling thoughts here.
For myself, I am a big fan of Google. After all, they bring us Blogger!
Do I need it? Do I like it? Do I want myself in these data sets? Your post is thought provoking.
Best wishes
I'll use Google several times a day like a reference library at my fingertips. Do I need more? Right now I'd say no but then it's in the nature of computer programers to push the boundaries and pretty soon what we thought we wouldn't need/ wouldn't use becomes an everday essential.
Very interesting data! Thank you for showing this video! Thanks for your visit to Qantas.
I just looked up, What is a Hida test? I have to get one because they found gallstones and now I need this test.
Interesting and informative post.
Best wishes,
Very interesting - and another way to while away the hours ;-)
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